Thursday, July 19, 2018

Whole Group Phonics Lesson in Kindergarten

Hello class!

This time you are in charge of analyzing a whole group phonics lesson at kindergarten and answer the questions below. Please note that all of them are opinion-based, so please mind your own answers, watch the video, and be original with your responses. There are NO right or wrong answers, just be as professional and objective in your judgement as you can.

  1. What are five good things about the teacher?
  2. What are five good things about the class?
  3. Please mention three things that you think are not done in a right way, according to the level.
  4. Which three things would you do differently in the lesson?
  5. Is kindergarten a level you would teach? Why? or why not? Explain.

Please watch the whole video, take the time to write good and complete answers, and double check them before submitting them.

Deadline: Tuesday, July 31st, at 11:59pm.


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    1. 1.
      1.1. The sign language (deaf-mute) people used. It’s interesting because not all teachers know about this and is an excellent way to expose students to get use of something new.
      1.2. The way she teaches is interesting because they participated a lot.
      1.3. She’s got students’ control.
      1.4. How she motivated students to get ready for the theme through a short song.
      1.5. The way how she elicited from students

      2.1. It seems to me that the class was boring. Even though the class was not dynamic students were knowledgeable.
      2.2. Students were immersed in everything the teacher asked for.
      2.3. Students were active (participating) a lot which is good.
      2.4. The teacher used techniques such as: allowing students to say the word in their head and then she asks to a student to tell her the correct word. Also, if they knew the word they raised their hand and tell her.
      2.5. Repetitions in the classroom were good, because in that way students are aware of the sounds, either short or long.

      3.1. First at all, she didn’t have to ask questions. Because not all the students know about the topic.
      3.2. Second, she shouldn’t be sitting unless she tells them a story.
      3.3. Third, the class should be students-centered instead of teacher-centered

      4.1. I would make an activity at the beginning of the lesson for students to get involve, have fun with them and activate students’ prior knowledge.
      4.2. Place several flashcards around the classroom with their corresponding words in order to catch their attention, in which students will be capable to identify long and short sound.
      4.3. Make activities to develop communicative competences.

      5. Definitively not. Because I don’t have patience to deal with kids. And having kids demand to have patience. I’m not creative person to have lots of activities to make with children in the classroom. And having a kindergarten level requires to have creativity, dedication to deal with kids among other things that I consider myself not to have the above mentioned

  2. 1.
    a)She is active
    b)Makes sure that everyone participate
    c)The uso of songs to teach
    d)She congratulates them
    e)good empahis on the pronunciation of the sounds

    a)Everyone participate
    b)They were paying attention
    c)It is a short group of kids
    d)The uso of repetion adding gradually speed
    e)In order to participate, they rose their hand
    a)Too much content in a short time
    b)Too much control on kids' behaviour
    c)I thingk that vowel sounds should not be taught in a few minutes
    a)I would make sound corners to students can move around the classroom
    b)I would presents multiple choice activity,and students can organize each word according tothe sound it belong
    c)I would use tongue twister to practice the sounds and have fun
    5. No, I wouldn't teach in a kindergarten because I consider myself a very demanding teacher and ittle kids require a more sensitive treatment and also their teacher is almost in charge of forming their personalities when they grow up.

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  4. • Good things about the teacher:
    1. Nice outfit and well-formed-legs.
    2. The praising of students who did answer correctly.
    3. The usage of vocabulary according to the educational level and teaching them sign language, Thumbs up for that!
    4. Encourages all students’ participation.
    5. Established routines, and previously inform the students about the upcoming activity (centers).

    P.S: I´ve been working alongside a few preschool teachers that were trained by this “teacher”.

    • Good things about the class:
    1. The usage of songs to introduce the activity.
    2. Well-organized class but I don´t agree with the rigidly structure of it.
    3. Equipment and resources according to the level.
    4. Great lighting and a considerable small group of student.
    5. The final product: 15 BEAUTIFUL robots (Sorry for being this sarcastic! I promise, I did double check my responses thou.)

    • Things not done in a right way, according to the level:
    1. The lesson is not being suitable to all the students´ different learning styles and preferences.
    2. When providing feedback to children, a teacher must try to positive reinforce and positive correct their students as well. Instead of saying; “NO! Not quite!”, even though a student' response is not correct or is not related to the topic, provide corrective phrases like; “Nice try!" "Who would like to help fulanito?", to promote cooperative learning and help each other when elaborating correct responses or creating their own meanings.
    3. The teacher seems to have no affective connection with her students. (I can definitely tell that her favorite students are Kyle, and Sabrina)

    • Things I would do differently in the lesson:
    1. Instead of a teacher-centered class, I would encourage my students to lead the class, providing output, and peer feedback by becoming an observer and leading them to focus on the discussed topic.
    2. I would definitely be more tolerant of the learner´s errors.
    3. I would provide opportunities for students to produce the language, by letting students read the words, encourage them to think of and provide words that they might know that have the same letter sounds, or by letting them provide sentences using the words displayed in the pocket chart.

    • Is kindergarten a level you would teach? Why? or why not? Explain.
    Definitely, YES! Considering my personal interest and passion for helping young kids to achieve their learning goals. Teaching preschoolers it is definitely one of the most heartwarming and rewarding jobs ever. Preschool teachers learn to better identificate the students needs and wants, apply different methods according to your students´ learning style. By becoming a preschool teacher I´ve had the freedom to explore parts of myself that thrive off childlike experiences, plus I´ve improved the ability to naturally connect with kids making me somewhat a noble-feeling person, by taking care, and also helping the most vulnerable of all human beings, kids.I know, it´s a HUGE responsibility! Personally, through my experience as a preschool teacher, I´ve been challenge to refresh my imagination and creative skills through the activities I´ve got to include in my lesson plans, and the learning outcomes. I´m better at multitasking, too!
    At the end, of each school year it will amaze you to see how quickly kids grow and start making their own way into the world.
    Teaching preschool is a guarantee that you would NEVER get bored.

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  8. 1.Good things about the teacher:
    I)Good discipline
    II)Teacher makes sure that everyone participate
    III)The teacher uses songs to teach
    IV)The teacher and the hold class congratulates the students that participate
    V)Teacher is active

    2. Good things about the class:
    I)Everyone participate
    II)They were paying attention
    III) Students were engage in the class
    VI)Students rise their hands when they want to participate.
    V)short group of kids
    3. Please mention three things that you think are not done in a right way, according to the level.
    I) Too much content
    II)Too much control on kids
    III)I thing that vowel sounds should not be taught in a few minutes a teacher needs more than one day may be 2 days.
    4. Which three things would you do differently in the lesson?
    I)I would teach the first letters and so on..
    II)I would presents flashcards with images that they already known
    III)I would use songs in order to be fun
    5.Is kindergarten a level you would teach? Why? or why not? Explain.
    No, I wouldn't teach in a kindergarten because I don't have patience with kinds, and they need special attention and I think that I don't have the ability to teach them specially control them because they just pay attention for few minutes then they lose the concentration.

    1. im Merlini I lend this computert to Senia and she uses her account im so sorry mister

  9. 1.Good things about the teacher:
    I)Good discipline
    II)Teacher makes sure that everyone participate
    III)The teacher uses songs to teach
    IV)The teacher and the hold class congratulates the students that participate
    V)Teacher is active

    2. Good things about the class:
    I)Everyone participate
    II)They were paying attention
    III) Students were engage in the class
    VI)Students rise their hands when they want to participate.
    V)short group of kids
    3. Please mention three things that you think are not done in a right way, according to the level.
    I) Too much content
    II)Too much control on kids
    III)I thing that vowel sounds should not be taught in a few minutes a teacher needs more than one day may be 2 days.
    4. Which three things would you do differently in the lesson?
    I)I would teach the first letters and so on..
    II)I would presents flashcards with images that they already known
    III)I would use songs in order to be fun
    5.Is kindergarten a level you would teach? Why? or why not? Explain.
    No, I wouldn't teach in a kindergarten because I don't have patience with kinds, and they need special attention and I think that I don't have the ability to teach them specially control them because they just pay attention for few minutes then they lose the concentration.

  10. 1.-Good things about the teacher:
    * She promotes participation
    * She models the activity
    * She makes the class enjoyable
    * She interacts with all the class
    * She uses vocabulary according the level of students.

    2.- Good things about the class
    * They like to participate
    * They are disiplinate
    * They are paying attention and they are engage with the lesson
    * Good environment
    * Small group of students, it makes easier to understand.

    3.- Things not done in a right way, according to the level:
    * To much content in a short time
    * The teacher is not friendly with students
    * There is not group

    4.-Things would you do differently in the lesson:
    * She should use flashcards at the time to teach because students relate it with the real life.
    * She should start the class with an ice- break activity.
    * She should teach at least five sounds in order to students learn it better.

    5.-Is kindergarten a level you would teach?
    In my case I wouldn't like to teach in kindergarten, because, I think that it requires a lot of patient and I don't have it. Also, I am not good it the time to create didactic material, and I think that it is necessary in kindergarden.

  11. 1.-Good things about the teacher:
    -Good discipline.
    -She is active.
    -She has patience with children.
    -It's her specialty.
    -She makes the class enjoyable.

    2.- Good things about the class:
    -They are paying attention to the teacher.
    -As you can see, all the children participate in the
    -Small group of students,and this is much better for
    children to learn.
    - The environment is very important to them.
    - They are good students.
    - They are educated.

    3.- Things not done in a right way, according to the
    -The sounds should be taught for a long time.
    -As you can see a lot of, content for children.
    -She was sitting during class.

    4.-Things would you do differently in the lesson:

    -In my case I should start the class with an activity to
    motivate the children.
    -I would teach songs according to the theme.
    -I would use flashcards with funny images according to the

    5.-Is kindergarten a level you would teach?
    Yes I would love to work with children, because the children are obedient, loving, educated and easy to get along with, but if you work with teenagers it is a little complicated, because they do not pay attention to the teachers when they are explaining some subject, they are talking with their classmates, they are with their phones, they do not like that the teachers call them attention etc.

  12. 1 five good things about the teacher?
    she has good tone
    she is interactive with the class
    she is patient
    she makes student participate

    2 five good things about the class?
    kids have good behavior
    they are paying attention
    they are participate
    follow instruction
    the class have good enviroment

    three things that are not done in the right way accordin to the level ?

    teacher is not friendly with kids is mandatory all the time
    not let the student be a little bit free
    teacher has to adecuate the content not seem like to much, or heavy

    three things that you would do differently?

    no be sit down all the time
    different activities to make more enjoyable the class
    sound have to be teach for more time

    kindergarden is a level would you teach?

    in my personal opinion, this is a stage where the kids have to develop their skill; I mean fine and thick motor. and, work good in his or her early stimulation , in order to prepare kids for first grade the teacher has to be more dynamic, patient , have good tone voice for all of them . so, i would say no because Im not so dynamic with kids.

  13. 1. What are five good things about the teacher?
    a_ Has the class in order. b_ Students listen to her. c_ Seems to be in a good mood. d_ She is kind a good looking. e_ Has a good tone of voice and sound very clear.
    2. What are five good things about the class?
    a_ Has a lot of color (even though, sometimes this can be a distraction for young students). b_ It is well illuminated. c_ Seems to have everything that the student need. d_ Students are comfortable seating in the floor. e_ Space seems to be good for the student needs.
    3. Please mention three things that you think are not done in a right way, according to the level.
    I am not sure how to treat other children in that age beside my own.
    4. Which three things would you do differently in the lesson?
    Like I said before, I don´t know how to deal with this people, so I think the class was great and I wouldn´t change anything.
    5. Is kindergarten a level you would teach? Why? or why not? Explain
    Definitely not. I don´t like kids, I don´t like to deal with them.

  14. • Good things about the teacher:
    1.she motivates the students by teaching her songs
    2. she is patient
    3.The classroom is decorated according to the educational level of the children
    4. dress appropriately
    5. Use the correct vocabulary

    • Good things about the class:

    1. They enjoy the class
    2. Children pay attention
    3. They follow rules (raise their hands when they want to participate)
    4. Good discipline
    5. they participate a lot.

    Things not done in a right way, according to the level:
    1. She remains in one position throughout the class.
    2. It is not assured if all students understand the subject
    3. She gives too much content in a short time

    • Things I would do differently in the lesson:
    1.introduce the topic and see if more than one knows about it.
    2. Walk around the classroom, so as not to remain in one position
    and so monitor the students.
    3. I would do more activities related to the sounds so they are easier to learn.

    Is kindergarten a level you would teach? Why? or why not? Explain.
    Definitely I would not teach kindergarden they need a lot of attention and a lot of care and I do not feel like I have the ability or the patience to teach them and maintain control.

  15. 1. 1 She was kind and polite with the students.
    2 She gave clear instructions.
    3 She was dynamic.
    4 She was creative and enthusiastic.
    5 She make emphasize in each sound.

    2. 1 They were paying attetion.
    2 They were actively participating.
    3 They were interested on the topic.
    4 They were following instructions.
    5.They enjoyed the class.

    3. A lot of content in a few minutes.
    She was teaching so fast the sounds.
    She did not monitoring the class because she was sitting.

    4. i would start playing a game related with the topic.
    i would teach using flashcards.
    i would give them the opportunity to produce the language.

    5. Honestly, I would not. Because I am not patient or dynamic with kids.

  16. 1. She has a good tone of voice. b) She uses vocabulary according to the level. c) She gave clear instructions. d) She is kind and sometimes makes children participate.

    2. Great lesson but her students are like robots,they should be able to relax and feel comfortable. -Great classroom management. -The board is very useful. -Children pay attention. -They follow instructions.

    3. She was sitting during the whole class and does not observe differences in learning styles of children. -Both symbols and words may be used on the activity to make it easier for the children to read. -Why do the children have to stand up quietly and walk like a robots to their centers? - I do not agree with the extreme and controlling environment.

    4. I would several activities such as,sharing a picture book,telling a story,sing because they love it,and talking about experiences.

    5. I think kindergarten is a beatiful level to teach because the different areas are used as an organizational structure for the classroom and in this way teacher can observe,guide and support children playing an important role.

  17. What are five good things about the teacher?

    • She is Creative (make use of fun activities)
    • She gives positive feedback
    • She was sitting at the level of preschool students
    • Good Classroom Management
    • Encourage student’s participation

    What are five good things about the class?

    • Appropriate classroom
    • Understandably resources
    • Development of class routines
    • Comfortable spot for reading
    • Use of songs as a tool to introduce the topic.

    Please mention three things that you think are not done in a right way, according to the level.
    • First Teacher must be more flexible and patient with their routines
    • Second, Teacher must implement activities where students could create their own learning
    • Third, Teacher must involve students to decode word with phonetics sounds

    Which three things would you do differently in the lesson?

    • I would like to implement more fun activities where students have more participation and they could build knowledges, but It is up of the philosophy of the teacher, but I think that she did a good job.

    Is kindergarten a level you would teach? Why? or why not? Explain.
    In my personal opinion I love be a preschool teacher that needs, passion, dedication and love, it is not an easy work, but this level give you the opportunity to change young lives and lead the first steps of your students.

  18. Good thinks about the teacher:
    1.she give clear instruction and the children know and response question about the differents alphabet letter.
    2. she emphasizes and mention short letters, uppercase.
    3. she prepares good material according to kindergarder and talk vocabulary they know and use it.
    4. she encourage them to pronounce correctly.
    5. she is nice and patient.
    five thing about the class
    1.they pay attention all the class
    2. children participated when the teacher ask them.
    3. teacher used song according to the topic.
    4. I like when the teacher everybody repeat, is was good because for this age the repetions is important they are a sponge and learn easy.
    5.Good behavior.

  19. I am not done in rigth way according to the level is teach lot of conten in the same class because the children confuse easy and they know one by one letter, sound, and the whole word if it have short and long sound. tired they sit down , she need to add more activity shake when to teach phonethic 3. clothing is not adequate for kindergarden.
    three things different in the lesson
    1.I add more activities with move, shake, stanp up.
    2.they pass on the blackboard and identify the sound.
    3. I use worksheet.
    Is kindergarten a level you would teach? Why? or why not? Explain
    I would teach in the kindergarten beacuse I have patience and love the children and I like to do dinamyc activities and children aks pay more attention than teenager. if you work with children sometimes is really hard because you need carefully with them when they fall or get sick and even the way you talk or use to them.

  20. 1:/ a) She has a great control of the group
          b) She has activities that are warm up
          c) I like when she asks to students to spell the phonems for each letter of word
          d) She motivated her students through songs
          e) She is so patience with students

    2:/ a) The students was very calm
          b) They were participating a lot
          c) In a few minutes she taught many aspects for example Vocabulary, phonetic, pronunciation and others
          d) Good didactic Material
          e) a little group of students

    3:/ a) when a student raises his hand she told him to lowe it
          b) Students only repeat
          c) She didn't ask if everyone understood

    4:/ a) I wold make flashcards without the name of the image and students  have to spell the phonems
          b) I would teach a song according to the topic
          c) I would give a paper and I do the sound of a phonem and students have to write the letter

    5:/ I don't think so because to be a kindergarten's teacher you must to be very patience and I'm not

  21. 1.She enjoy to teach she is patient she has contol in her class she make the student feel comfortable and safe she encourage her students in the class. 2. The student participate They pay attention Good environment They follow instructions They are disciplined 3. Too much content in short time she was sitting in whole the class. The topic is difficult and is neccesary to use more examples to explain it. 4. I would use flascard with images according to the topic and add more activities to make easily the student to learn including songs. 5. No. Because kindergarten need very much attention, control and patience

  22. 1.What are five good things about the teacher?
    1. Good discipline
    2. Teacher is active
    3. She models the activity
    4. The teacher uses songs to teach
    5. Encourage student’s participation

    2.What are five good things about the class?
    1. Everyone participate
    2.They were paying attention
    3. Students were engage in the class
    4.Students rise their hands when they want to participate.
    5.short group of kids

    3.Please mention three things that you think are not done in a right way, according to the level.
    1. The class should be students-centered instead of teacher-centered
    2. The teacher is not friendly with students
    3. 3. She gives too much content in a short time

    4.Which three things would you do differently in the lesson?
    1.I would several activities such as,sharing a picture book,telling a story,sing because they love it,and talking about experiences
    2. Walk around the classroom, so as not to remain in one position
    and so monitor the students.
    3. I would do more activities related to the sounds so they are easier to learn.

    5.Is kindergarten a level you would teach? Why? or why not? Explain.
    No, I wouldn't teach in a kindergarten because I don't have patience with kinds, and they need special attention and I think that I don't have the ability to teach them specially control them because they just pay attention for few minutes then they lose the concentration.

  23. 1)1.she is very patient with the student.
    2she has a good control of the pupils
    3she did a wonderful activities with the children.
    4she is creative.
    5she gave clear instructions.

    2)1.they was paying attention all the time.
    2.they were interesting of the class.
    3they enjoy the class.

    3)1.she was setting all the time and she was not minitoring the children.
    2.she did not ask if they were clear or understood that they teach.
    3. she gave a lot of content for the pupils.

    4) 1.I would start the class doing a activities in order that they wake up.
    2. I will try to explain the issues patiently and ask if they understood.
    3. I would do activities related with the phonemes.

    5)no, because in kindergarden teacher requered a lot of patience and that is what i do not have.

  24. 1- Good things about the teacher:
    1. She motivates the students by teaching her songs
    2. she is patient
    3.The classroom is decorated according to the educational level of the children
    4. dress appropriately
    5. Use the correct vocabulary

    2. Good things about the class:
    1- Everyone participate
    2- They were paying attention
    3- Students were engage in the class
    4- Students rise their hands when they want to participate.
    5- Short group of kids

    3. Things not done in a right way, according to the
    -The sounds should be taught for a long time.
    -As you can see a lot of, content for children.
    -She was sitting during class.

    4. I would several activities such as,sharing a picture book,telling a story,sing because they love it, and talking about experiences.

    5. No, I wouldn't teach in a kindergarten because I don't have patience with kinds, and they need special attention and I think that I don't have the ability to teach them specially control them because they just pay attention for few minutes then they lose the concentration.

  25. 1.
    a) Has control over the class.
    b) She makes everyone participate.
    c) Uses songs.
    d) She motivates her student.
    e) She uses signs to help them relate and remember the sounds.
    a) Well resourced classroom.
    b) There is a class routine established.
    C) Goes from activities to introduce the lesson to the development and individual evaluation.
    d) Students paid attention.
    e) Great class managing.
    a) The way she corrects them could be a bit more relaxed?
    b) She could’ve used an activity where students worked together.
    c) She is not letting them communicate with each other, I understand she is managing the class but I think is good for them to be able to share with each other or even ask them how did they like the activity.
    a) I would maybe include music in the song and not just singing.
    b) I would correct them in a different way by encouraging at the same time to take another try or trying to relate what they said with what we want, so they don’t feel like completely lost.
    c) I would ask them which activity they liked better or what do they think about it so they can share and also getting kind of a feedback from them.
    5. Honestly I wouldn’t, I understand is a very important level where kids are learning a base maybe for life and that’s actually the good part of it but I think the affective part is very important and a kindergarten teacher must have that in her since kids are that level are usually very sensible so I don’t think I have that in me.

  26. Video #1: Whole group phonics lesson in Kindergarten
    1. What are five good things about the teacher?
    -She is Dynamic
    -She give the opportunity to participate to her students.
    -She is friendly and enthusiastic.
    -She uses gestures when pronounce the words in order to that students can identify the sounds of the words.
    -She encourages to her students to learn.
    2. What are five good things about the class?
    -The class is Dynamic.
    -The class is interative between the teacher and students.
    -The class has good resources.
    -The class is managing.
    - In the class the students wait for their turn to participate.
    3. Please mention three things that you think are not done in a right way, according to the level.
    -It is not correct that the teacher asks for the definition to students in Kindergarten.
    -It is not correct that the teacher teachs vowels and consonants and short sounds at the same time.
    -It is not correct that the teacher organizes to students in that way.Because they are uncomfortable.
    4. Which three things would you do differently in the lesson?
    -I will teach the short sounds with words and then I will show each sounds of the words in Flashcards.
    -I will tell short stories of book with pictures..
    -I will create short stories with pictures in order to teach them.
    5. Is kindergarten a level you would teach? Why? or why not? Explain.
    -Yes, It is. I would teach kindergarten ages if I have the opportunity, because They are in the ages where they acquire the knowledge easily when the teacher teachs them.

  27. 1.What are five good things about the teacher?
    1. The way she use to explore the topic
    2. The use of song
    3. The energy she transmit to each child
    4. She makes them to participate
    5. The reinforcement she gives to the students by using drills.

    2. What are five good things about the class?
    1. Colorful
    2. Good teaching aids
    3. Well arrangement of the classroom
    4. It is nice,, how the atmosphere can be perceived with joy.
    5. The adequate vocabulary to children.

    5. Is kindergarten a level you would teach? Why? or why not? Explain.

    I'd have to think about it twice.
    Children are like sponges, and I don't think I have the ability to deal with this age. Probably, I'd rather choose adults But I may try once with children in order to collect data about them.

  28. 1. Five good things about the teacher
    the tone of voice.
    She gave clear instructions,
    She congratulate her students
    She encourage students participation and
    She control the discipline

    2. Good things about the class.
    They listen to her instructions.
    They are well behave,
    They participate as much as they can
    They were paying attention
    Stundets raise their hands when they wanted to

    3. Things not done in the right way
    The content for the class.
    She barely smile to her kids, not that friendly.
    Students only repeat

    4. Things I would do differently.
    The distribution of the content.
    More activities perform by the students
    I will talk to them, they look like robots

    5. Is kindergarten a level for me to teach?
    NO!!! As much as I like being a teacher, I wouldn´t work
    with kinder. You have to have extra patience, which I
    don´t have.
