Sunday, July 22, 2018

Contextualizing Language

Hello class!

Contextualization is the meaningful use of language for real communicative purposes. It helps students understand how language users construct language in a given context. Language learning in context in the classroom can be expressed in such ways as:

• Working with real or simulated situations.
• Paying attention to the physical setting of exchange.
• Knowing the purpose of the exchange.
• Using language that accounts for the roles of the participants.
• Using socially acceptable norms of interaction.
• Paying attention to medium, tone, genre, and register.

Teachers can contextualize language instruction by organizing the content of the language curriculum according to themes or topics. These themes or topics work best when they are threaded throughout the course of study.
After watching the video, choose three questions from below and answer them. Please note that all of them are opinion-based, so mind your own answers and be original with your responses.

There are NO right or wrong answers, just be as professional and objective in your judgement as you can.

  1. How were you able to identify the language context (topics, themes, situations)? What did you pay attention to in order to do this?
  2. How are the activities that you saw related to each of the contexts (the content areas)?
  3. What kind of language naturally evolved as an extension of the activities and context?
  4. How might the activities be adapted for different ages? Different topic areas? Levels?

Please watch the whole video, take the time to write good and complete answers, and double check them before submitting them.

Deadline: Tuesday, July 31st, at 11:59pm.


  1. 1 in order to identify the language context I pay attention to where is teaching the topic , t he claa of topic, the exercises develop in class and the management in the class

    2 in my opinion were adecuate to the topic to the ages and the most important is that the activities are useful to understan the topic

    3 for me was an universal language that everyone understant at the moment to develop the activities

    4 I think that the activities have to be adapted depend on the goal that we stablish to achieve with the class and important also according to the ages of people

  2. 1. How are the activities that you saw related to each of the contexts (the content areas)?
    A/ In the first group (children group) the activities are focused in develop language not in just one class day. We could see that, there is an entire previous preparation of the class and the students are aware of all around them. In the intermediate group they were doing a roll play and it was a possible situation in which any person in that age can face any time. And in the superior level the presentation that is been performed by the student is an everyday concern of the people around the world and accord to students in that level.
    2. What kind of language naturally evolved as an extension of the activities and context?
    A/ It depends on the level and the topic in the performance of the students. If the activities are planned to develop a regular situation with friends, the result of this is going to be colloquial language and if the activities are made for a formal presentation then is going to be needed a formal language.
    3. How might the activities be adapted for different ages? Different topic areas? Levels?
    A/ Everything has to be taking in to account. One of the most important things before prepare a class is to be aware of the student needs, after this the teacher can prepare a class in order of the success of them.

  3. 2. What I could see first was the teacher contextualizing language through the use of real situations using different activities. Then in the second group, the students were doing a roll play using real situations to performed the language learning. Finally, in the last group the students performed a presentation through different serious topics to engage them with language and content.

    3. I think its depend on the context; because it has to be according to the level, age and the topic we are going to teach to the students and also it is important to use vocabulary they could understand and comprehend.

    4. As a personal opinion, I think the activities, topic areas, or levels can be adapted depend on the level and age the students are. And also it is important to take everything into account and have a previous preparation of what we are going to teach according to what the students need to learn.

  4. 1How were you able to identify the language context(topic, themes, situations) what did you paid attention to in order to do this?
    According with the questions that the teacher asks, she uses natural language and using a setting in order that students can identify where the canopy is.I paid attention to the questions that the reacher asks.
    Second part;they were dramatizing real situations, I think experiences in their life.
    Third part; the girl were giving some points of view about what she understood about the reading.
    2 How are the activities that you saw related to each of the context (the context areas)?
    I think each activity is related with the topic.
    First part; students were learning vocabulary through answering question related with the topic.
    Second part; students were dramatizing and using language according with their ages.
    Third part; she were doing an exposition or explaining about what she understood about the reading.
    3 what kind of language naturally evolved as an extension of the activities and context?
    It depends which activities the teacher developed; Example: first part teacher is using natural languages, second part students were dramatising in a natural way may be they use colloquial language. Third part; she is using formal language because she was explaining about something that she readsreads.

  5. 2-How are the activities that you saw related to each of the contexts (the content areas)?

    *Firstly they were singing a song about the parts of the body. Second one, I could see that they were doing a roll play in which they were able to do it very well. It means that they were understanding the topic or theme very well.

    3-What kind of language naturally evolved as an extension of the activities and context?

    *This will depend on the subject that the teacher will teach, and especially on the activities that he or she will develop with the students, for example I could see that the teacher used a natural language.

    4-How might the activities be adapted for different ages? Different topic areas? Levels?

    *In my personal opinion, I think that we have to take into account in the ages and in the levels of English that each child has, because in some cases some children learn faster than others, for example some children learn only listening to music, watching movies in English etc. On the other hand, other children need to learn in other ways such as, reading and reading, and try to memorize to understand, so we have to adapt us in the way they learn, and also we as teachers have to discover in them what they are those difficulties and abilities that they have, once we know this we have to emphasize this.

  6. 1. How were you able to identify the language context (topics, themes, situations)? What did you pay attention to in order to do this?

    In order to identify language context, we need to pay attention in certain factors that need to:

    • Realistic situations that the students can recognize and possibly identify with.
    • Describe the setting
    • Say what they are taking about.
    • Define their social roles

    2. How are the activities that you saw related to each of the contexts (the content areas)?

    The activities that I saw related to each of the contexts was: Games and interactive activities, Storytelling, dramatization, singing. Students presentations, projects. Themes or Topics in the activities.

    3. What kind of language naturally evolved as an extension of the activities and context?

    The Languages that evolved was sociocultural languages according to the social and emotional needs of the situation.

  7. 1.How were you able to identify the language context (topics, themes, situations)? What did you pay attention to in order to do this?

     I was paying close attention when the teacher was asking about something.
     Teacher used realia which is good for students to be related with and make use of it.
     Describing the setting
     Classroom management

    2. How are the activities that you saw related to each of the contexts (the content areas)?

    The first one, students were working in groups, but at the same time as a whole class when the teacher asked for something. I could notice that students had knowledge about the topic because they answer immediately or they had seen the topic a day before. In the second one, students were doing a role play in which they had the opportunity to communicate and face any time. The following, a dialogue or story was given by the teacher and students had to organized as well as retell what they perceived.

    3. What kind of language naturally evolved as an extension of the activities and context?
    This depends on the students’ level. Also, it’s necessary to know students’ needs and situations that vary about students.

    4.How might the activities be adapted for different ages? Different topic areas? Levels?

    There are many things to be considered when teaching. However, the most important is students’’ needs, since this will help the teacher to see weaknesses/strengths of students to be able to achieve a subject in a class.

  8. 1. How are the activities that you saw related to each of the contexts (the content areas)?
    The activities were adapted to the different educational levels and contents as well.
    - Activity 1- Students were singing; “Head, shoulders, knees and toes”. This activity is related to the topic; body parts.
    - Activity 2- Students got to practice sentence structures by integrating science content as well. They sang the given sentence and discussed the meaning of a canopy.
    As a general overview, students were definitely engaged and in all situations of the different classrooms, the activities were learner-centered and fosters cooperative learning as well.

    2. What kind of language naturally evolved as an extension of the activities and context?
    Context-based learning aims learners to connect or link the contents to different concepts and with the real world. Students are more likely to develop critical thinking, to produce their own meanings, but acquiring linguistic skills.
    When students are in charge of the activities they tend to practice their fluency and accuracy in the target language. (Communicative competences are developed)
    3. How might the activities be adapted for different ages? Different topic areas? Levels?
    The most important things to bear in mind when adapting or personalizing tasks into the different levels are the following:
    - Previous knowledge of the topic.
    - Linguistic ability or the acquired vocabulary of the students.
    - Objective of the lesson.
    - Preferences/interests of the students.
    - Appropriate and relevant activities for every level.
    - Teachers have to explain in a detailed way the activities but also let the students know the reason why they´ll be specifically working on it.

  9. 1. How were you able to identify the language context (topics, themes, situations)? What did you pay attention to in order to do this?
    Trying to connected the activities and certain topics or situations, in case of the first example teacher wrote the sentences but indicated different vocabulary with a different color of marker. I paid attention to the different activities that were developed in class

    2. What kind of language naturally evolved as an extension of the activities and context?
    It evolved a spontaneous language because students needed to connect and understand concepts with real situations according to the content that they were learning/practicing.

    3. How might the activities be adapted for different ages? Different topic areas? Levels?
    Adapting activities for different ages, topics and levels is going to depend on the purpose or objectives of the class/course also depend on the needs of our students. Since we have clear idea about those aspects we are going to be able to adapt activities correctly.

  10. 1.- How are the activities that you saw related to each of the contexts (the content areas)?
    R:// A good activity that are related with the context is to show flashcards and ask to the students about them, but the teacher needs to take into account that in those flashcards there are information that students can find in the place or country where they live and also add real life situation.

    2.- What kind of language naturally evolved as an extension of the activities and context?
    R:// In this situation the language used needs to be according the level of the students, in order to achieve the goals expected in the class. Moreover, it is necessary that the teacher does not use contractions, or informal language.

    3.-How might the activities be adapted for different ages? Different topic areas? Levels?
    first it is necesary to know that the teacher uses differnt techniques and strategies in order to engage each students in the activities, for instance group work is really good because students who have a higher level help their classmates that have problem in differents areas. Also, it is necessary to take into account what the learners needs and want to learn.

  11. 2.How are the activities that you saw related to each of the contexts(the content areas).

    in my opinion, the activities that they did is related with the topic and according to the age that they have. one of the group made dramatization, another sang and another did exposition.

    3. what kind of language naturally evolved as an extension of activities and context?

    it is depent of what activities teacher is going to develop with the pupils, and we have to take into a ccount the vocabulary that we are going to use, because that is so important we have to use vocabulary according to student level.

    3.How might the activities be adapted for different ages?different topic areas?levels?

    in my opinion, we have to take into a ccount that not all stdent learn in the same way, some learn fater that the others. we have to focus iwhat pupils need to learn and it have to be according to the age and the level that they have.

  12. 1.How are the activities that you saw related to each of the contexts (the content areas)?

    At the beginning of the video you can see children singing the parts of the body
    so from the beginning that sees that children are encouraged to learn with activities that motivate them, the first group of students are interested and the way in which it teaches motivates the development of the language of each one of them emphasizing that making a reminder to assure if everyone understands.
    the second group makes a role play an activity that makes them lose their fear when speaking in public and unwind in front of others, and the last group of students I suppose the teacher selects a student among all to discuss a topic of great importance and so the student practices reading and speaking.

    2.What kind of language naturally evolved as an extension of the activities and context?
    I think that everything depends on the grade and the ages that students have in order to develop topics according to each of the levels using the appropriate activities and thus develop a colloquial and natural language in them.

    3.How might the activities be adapted for different ages? Different topic areas? Levels?
    It is depending on each objective that the teacher wants to achieve. Because there are many ways to teach and the teacher has to adapt to the class of students he will have and especially the needs of each of them to analyze the weaknesses and strengths and then see all this be ready to prepare the class and be very successful at the end.

  13. 2.How are the activities that you saw related to each of the contexts (the content areas)?

    In my opinion the activities are related to the subject they are learning, I observed that the activities start from learning to become familiar with the vocabulary that they will use, until the development of it through different teaching tools such as audio and others in which is involved as it is in the case of dramatization.

    3-What kind of language naturally evolved as an extension of the activities and context?
    in my opinion everything depends on the subject and the subject that is being developed, likewise it depends on the "space" in which they are developed.

    4.How can activities be adapted for different ages? Different thematic areas? Levels?

    we must be guided by the degree of difficulty that the activity or exercise should have, based on the age of the student, as well as taking into account the levels of knowledge shown by the same.

  14. How are the activities that you saw related to each of the contexts (the content areas)?
    the activities I could see content teacher involve content story,song,summarize, dramatization and point of view about different experiences according to the topic, teacher will want to teach.
    What kind of language naturally evolved as an extension of the activities and context? I think evolved is conceptualization because it has general content , when have a specific purpose for the teaching process, human never stop learning.
    How might the activities be adapted for different ages? Different topic areas? Levels?
    it´s depend the purpose of the teacher in the classroom because each levels have differents topic and the teacher need to analyze the weaknesses and strong for better process in the classroom

  15. 1. How were you able to identify the context language? To identify it, attention must be paid to the difficulty of the subject and the language, in the type of activities, the place where it is developed and the formality

    2. how are the activities that you saw related to each of the contexts?
    I was able to observe that each activity depends on the subject we want to teach and especially on the ages at which we are teaching, for example the first group of students were learning grammar and vocabulary by answering questions to their teacher and observing their decoration.
    the second group was learning through a role play of the most common situations at that age and
    the last group was a more serious topic presenting a type of exposition

    4. How might the activities be adapted for different ages? Different topic areas? Levels? I think that to adapt the same theme in different ages it is necessary to change the activities that we will use for example if we want to teach grammar to a 6 year old student we can do doing activities for that age or playing building their own knowledge, discovering and setting the classroom for that activity. otherwise teach an 18-year-old student what would be presenting a real situation of his life or teaching structures or maybe a game but deacorde at the age of the

  16. 1. How were you able to identify the language context(topics,themes,situations)?
    As you can see the video when teacher is applaying TPR approach,for example,she is using language for different purposes and changing language according to the needs of learners.

    2. Every activity is related with the topic.Infact,children are very interested in each one for that reason.

    4. Applaying different techniques according to the level like in the video,children use language to convey facts and information about the topic and participate during the class.

  17. - How were you able to identify the context language?
    - To identify it, attention must be paid to the difficulty of the subject and the language, in the type of activities, the place where it is developed and the formality

    - What kind of language naturally evolved as an extension of the activities and context?
    - In this situation the language used needs to be according the level of the students, in order to achieve the goals expected in the class. Moreover, it is necessary that the teacher does not use contractions, or informal language.

    - How might the activities be adapted for different ages? Different topic areas? Levels?
    Adapting activities for different ages, topics and levels is going to depend on the purpose or objectives of the class/course also depend on the needs of our students. Since we have clear idea about those aspects we are going to be able to adapt activities correctly.

  18. 1.How were you able to identify the language context (topics, themes, situations)? What did you pay attention to in order to do this?

    I really paid attention In the way the teacher develop the class, she give colorful sentences for students in order to identify each word and she also has the classroom with a good visual material which the topics can be used perfectly using this material that she already has. Also, the way she involves students in participation is very good, students can identify objects in the same classroom and this is the things that students won´t forget because they are learning with real situations
    2.How are the activities that you saw related to each of the contexts (the content areas)?

    In the first part, the class was through contextualized learning. Learners were learning effectively when they reach for meaning in their own learning process using the material and singing a song using their body parts. In the second part students’ integrated new knowledge and skills into already existing knowledge through a role play. In the final part, students combining content and context through presenting a project.

    3.How might the activities be adapted for different ages? Different topic areas? Levels?

    I think the topic have to be the same but for the different age with a high level of difficulty for a deeper level of use of the language, especially teachers have to use topics are high-interest and motivate students.

    Claudia Melissa Rodriguez Avila

  19. 1. How were you able to identify the language context (topics, themes, situations)? What did you pay attention to in order to do this?
    I was able to identify the topics by paying attention to the activities since some activities are usually related to some topics, also you can pay attention to the environment on each classroom to identify the situations.
    2. How are the activities that you saw related to each of the contexts (the content areas?
    Each activity was accurately related to the topic using that way contextualization and it seemed students accepted the activities and understand them
    3. What kind of language naturally evolved as an extension of the activities and context?
    Language according to the level of difficulty on each topic and according to their daily basis relations.

  20. 1. Identify the language context.
    According to the classroom setting or environment, the
    teachers interactions with the students, the activities
    done by the students as well as the questions made by
    the teacher.

    2. What kind of language naturally evolve?
    In my opinion, is going to depend on what you want to
    achieve or how the teacher is leading the class. In the
    first part, the teacher uses a very polite language
    with the little kids. During the second part, the
    students making the role play, they were using a more
    colloquial language, a type of language that someone
    uses with family or friends. And finally the last part
    showed a more formal language, the interaction between
    the student and the teacher and even the topic they
    were discussing was more formal than the others.

    3. How might the activities be adapted for different ages?
    I think it will depend on the level of knowlegde a
    group of students have, vocabulary and also the
    interest or how it will be helpful for students certain
    type of activities, what skills will they develop? is
    the activity going to be meaningful in the real life,
    outside the classroom? and also the age of the

  21. Video #2: Contextualizing Language
    1. How were you able to identify the language context (topics, themes, situations)? What did you pay attention to in order to do this?
    I could identify in the class that the teacher was teaching the parts of speech (Adjectives, nouns, adverbs, prepositional phrases).At the end of the chart she wrote a sentence using colorful markers. She was teaching the topic Canopy.
    The teacher past in front to one student and she identify where is located the canopy in the scenary that the teacher has in the corner to her classroom.
    2. How are the activities that you saw related to each of the contexts (the content areas)?
    -The activities are related with the area of spanish (parts of speech).
    -Role play related with real situations of the real life, exprerience or social needs.
    -A chart (for civil rights and forward for science) in the area of social science.
    3. How might the activities be adapted for different ages? Different topic areas? Levels?
    The activities might be adapted for different ages according to the levels, the interest, and the needs of the students, the degree of difficulty of the activity. Moreover, according to the topic the activity can be short or long. And at low levels the activities have to be easy, and at high levels the activities have to be complex.

  22. 1. How were you able to identify the language context (topics, themes, situations)? What did you pay attention to in order to do this?

    For each stage, I paid close attention to what they were saying and what kind of activities they were. Also, the level of vocabulary and how students get engaged with the topic. However, recognizing the themes may be complicated since the students don't want to express themselves.

    2.How are the activities that you saw related to each of the contexts (the content areas)?
    Probably they connected each other depending on the situation in which they use the language. Moreover, they used real language from real situation they have been exposed before.

    4. How might the activities be adapted for different ages? Different topic areas? Levels?
    All activities can be adapted and modified to the learners level. In addition, keeping in mind the context in which the learners are. Activities could be easy (for beginners) and difficult (for intermediate or advanced)

  23. 1.How were you able to identify the language context (topics, themes, situations)? what did you pay attention to in order to do this?n the beginning of the video the children are singing a song and develop a technique of TPR. according to the activities with the children development but in the other examples I could saw the dramatization about the real life with the young people and it is releated with the topic
    2. every activities es related to the context for example games with the children, inventing short stories, singing songs and project with the young people.
    3.It is according to the age, children and young, and their imagination according to how to expose the topic and spontaneous for example social life.
    4.I think, the activities are according to the goal and what really want to achieve with the student in the classroom and the real life too.

  24. 1How were you able to identify the language context (topics, themes, situations)? What did you pay attention to in order to do this?
    the way the teacher develops the class and the activities the students do in class were an important part of identifying the methodology of the class.

    How are the activities that you saw related to each of the contexts (the content areas)?
    What kind of language naturally evolved as an extension of the activities and context?
    the vocabulary is very simple the teacher used very simple and understandable words I think this happen because students need to clearly understand instructions in class, about the kind of language, it is used a daily language not so focused only in grammar structure.

    How might the activities be adapted for different ages? Different topic areas? Levels? in this case for example the topic of the stories or the complexity of the words and the vocabulary play an important role in developing and adapting a class in different ages, the topic areas are going to be very different because it needs to catch the attention of the learner.
