Monday, July 30, 2018

On Pronunciation Teaching and Semiotics (Extra 15% on Test 1)

Hello class!

Pronunciation was defined by McArthur (1992, p. 810) as:

 “The act or result of producing the sounds of speech, including articulation, intonation, and rhythm”.

This paper aims at emphasizing the importance of semiotic elements in pronunciation teaching and suggests ways to implement it appropriately in language classrooms. Then, it describes a lesson plan of a pronunciation class for pre-intermediate level preparation class in detail.

Please click on the link, download the Pdf. article, and read it:

After reading the paper, choose three questions from below and answer each one of them in no less than a 100-word paragraph.

Please note that all of them are opinion-based, so mind your own answers and be original with your responses.

There are NO right or wrong answers, just be as professional and objective in your judgement as you can.

  1. State your opinion on Kelly's (1969) position on calling pronunciation the "Cinderella area of EFL."
  2. What is intelligibility and how do you think it depends on both the speaker and the listener?
  3. What are the elements of semiotics? Why is it so important for English teachers to use them in the language classroom?
  4. How are language and culture strictly interwoven? Why is it impossible to talk about a language without mentioning its culture?
  5. Explain the ultimate relationship between semiotics, culture, and language. How can we effectively bring them to the language classroom?

Please read the whole article, take the time to write good and complete answers, and double check them before submitting them.

Deadline: Sunday, August 05th, at 11:59pm.


  1. 1. As Kelly said pronunciation has been a neglected part of language she prefers to call it “Cinderella” area of EFL because pronunciation is neglected by teachers. In my point of view, I agree because pronunciation is an important part of language nowadays. And sometimes teachers focus on other language skills more than pronunciation. Teachers need to be conscious about the needs that the students could have. Also use methodologies and strategies according to the level they are, making emphasize in pronunciation to improve the learning of the students. In this way they could feel secure and face future challenges.

    2.Intelligibility it can be the human mind reflecting on itself. It depends on the listener and speaker because it is also referring to the measure of how comprehensible can be the listener or the speaker at the moment to express something in the target language. In other words, how clear the listener and the speaker can be at the moment to share their ideas and thoughts.

    3.The elements of semiotics are: enables people to communicate in a better and clear way with the help of signs, body language, facial expression and etc. And it is so important for English teachers to use them in the language classroom because through this way teachers will be able to help the students to understand the lesson better, process their knowledge in long term memory and achieve a permanent learning. Also it is important to know that teachers need to study the basics of semiotics to employ easily in their language classes and in this way achieve a better learning.

  2. 1.-State your opinion on Kelly's (1969) position on calling pronunciation the "Cinderella area of EFL."
    According Kelly (1969) pronuciation has been a neglected part of the language learning, for this reason she called it as "Cinderella". Theacher haven't gotten the attention that it needs, but nowaday pronunciation is an importan part in the leaning process of English in the foreign language. There are differnt techniques that help it to be more successful for the learners.Pronunciation needs to be an essential part in a classroom, because it depents the improvement of students in the accquisition of a second language.

    2.-What are the elements of semiotics? Why is it so important for English teachers to use them in the language classroom?
    Altay and Ünal (2013) described the elements of semiotics in a detailed way some of them are “eye contact,posture, gestures and mimics, hand movements, proxemics, kinesics and clothing.” (p. 418). It is really important than teacher uses them in the classroom, because it helps students to understant better a topic and also it helps to engage the students in the learning process in order to use the language in the correct way and be fluence and accurate. On the other hand, those elements give security to the teacher.

    3.-How are language and culture strictly interwoven? Why is it impossible to talk about a language without mentioning its culture?
    This topic is really important, because to teach language it is important to implement the culture, because students need to known about the culture of the country of the language that they are learning. It is important to implement it because students learn everything related with than language and they contextualized it with their own culture.

  3. 1.State your opinion on Kelly's (1969) position on calling pronunciation the "Cinderella area of EFL."
    In like manner as Kelly's (1969) position on calling pronunciation the "Cinderella area of EFL." I think that pronunciation cannot be neglected any more as it has been doing lately since nowadays there are many methodologies and especially the technology that has improved education in many ways. But also could be other reasons like the lack of interest in teaching pronunciation and the pertinent to the teachers’ lack of pronunciation knowledge. Many teachers do not know how to teach pronunciation to their learners but there are no excuses for teachers to neglect the area of pronunciation if we are surrounded by many tools to teach pronunciation and make students speak perfectly without creating fear and lack of interest in continue learning.

    2.What is intelligibility and how do you think it depends on both the speaker and the listener?
    ‘Intelligibility’ is therefore a relevant concept for English language teachers to the extent that they aim to prepare students to communicate successfully with users of various Englishes and in lingua franca contexts. However, it is a contested construct which has proved difficult to define and measure (Derwing and Munro 2005; Kirkpatrick, Deterding, and Wong 2008). However, I think that depends on both speaker and listener because it is how comprehendible speech is, or the degree to which speech can be understood. In addition, teachers play an important role here because it depends on how they prepare students to have a good pronunciation, a successful interaction and to be able to understand others since that depends not only on the pronunciation that English speakers receive from L2, but also to the extent that users and English learners are prepared to listen and understand L2 speech varieties and to maintain a positive and receptive attitude in doing so.

    3.How are language and culture strictly interwoven? Why is it impossible to talk about a language without mentioning its culture?
    Language and culture are strictly interwoven because they share human values, realities and behaviors of a social group. I think that these two areas are like two brothers or sisters where the bigger one is the culture and the small one is the language. However to act in the area of the culture you need to have a rich vocabulary to exercise your language competences. That’s because the culture is bigger than language. Besides that, when people learn a new language, it not only involves learning its alphabet, the word arrangement and the rules of grammar, but also learning about the specific society's customs and behavior. When learning or teaching a language, it is important that the culture where the language belongs be referenced, because language is very much ingrained in the culture.

  4. 1. Stay your opinion on Kelly's (1969) position on calling pronunciation the "Cinderella area of EFL".
    - According to Kelly (1969) "Pronunciation has been a neglected part of language " call it Cinderella. pronunciation is one of the most important part in learning a language. Teachers needs to be focus in how to teach pronunciation, in a way that students can feel confortables at the time to speak. On the other hand, nowadays teacher can use different techniques and methodologies in order to help students to understand better and feel secure about what they are doing.

    2. What is intelligibility and how do you think it depends on both the speakers and the listeners?
    -Intelligibility tell how easy it is for people to understand your pronunciation. Also, is a measurable of how comprehendible speech is, or degree to which speech can be understood. I think that it depends on both speakers and listeners, because if the speaker can't pronounce words or sentences in a correct way the listeners are not going to understand the message and they can't answer it. Everything depends on how interesting are the students in learn and have a good fluency and pronunciation, teacher makes an important role too, because she/he has the ability to teach and motivate them to learn in a correct way and be succeful in life.

    3. What are the elements of semantics? Why is it so important for English teachers to use them in the language classroom?
    -Altay and ünal(2013) described elements of semioticsemiotic, some of them are: eye contact, posture, gestures, mimics, hand movements, proxemics, kinesics and clothing. Is so important to use it because it helps teachers and students to have a better communication, also help students yo understand in a correct way any topic. however, teacher needs to focus in students to engage in the learning process and teaching them how to have fluency and accuracy.

  5. 1.I agree with Kelly, as she said pronunciation has been a neglected part of the language learning(1969)she prefers to call it "Cinderela" area of EFL BY some teachers.I think that the pronunciation should not be neglected by the teachers,also they have to emphasize it. Why? because this is a very fundamental part in the foreign language and mostly when a student is learning a second language.However, not being able to pronounce words hugely hinders communication, especially since it is believed that, learners who are unable to pronounce words are also unable to understand them. This means that teaching pronunciation is an important area which should be dealt with regularly.

    2-Intelligibility This review highlights current research from diverse areas of applied linguistics that have
    addressed aspects of intelligibility in both experimental and real-world settings.
    Current findings suggest that the processes by which understanding is achieved in
    ELF interaction are qualitatively different from those observed in NS-based
    interaction, and that this has implications for a number of research and practice areas.

    3-A system of signs or a relationship between elements of any kind is (1) symbolic, (2) semi-symbolic, or (3) semiotic (the word "semiotic" has a restricted, specific meaning in this context). (1) When one signifier is associated with one and only one signified, we call this a symbolic system. Traffic lights and the "language" of flowers are examples of symbolic systems (roses = 'love', tulips = 'friendship', etc.). (2) A system is semi-symbolic if an opposition between signifiers corresponds (is homologous) to an opposition between signifieds. Gestures are often semi-symbolic in nature, as in the opposition vertical movement/horizontal movement, which is homologous to the opposition 'yes'/'no'. Traffic signals meet this definition partially: while red and green are in opposition as complementary colours, yellow does not have a real opposite in this system. Be that as it may, in other contexts each of these three colours can be part of other culturally defined oppositions (either within one culture or between cultures). For example, red and black are in opposition in several cultures, particularly in Africa. (3) Lastly, other systems may be classified as semiotic. Language is such a system.

  6. 1. Calling pronunciation the "Cinderella area of EFL" refers to the assumption that pronunciation has not been taken into account as much as other areas of teaching, in the majority of cases, through the pass of the years, this statement has been proved because not just teachers but also students have focused their learning process in fields like grammar or reading and writing skills, that’s way, when, they have the need to speak, it turns into a nightmare because the lack of effort stated for both parts learners and teachers. This obsolete idea is now in the past thanks to the globalization of the English language and the fact that this one is the modern Lingua Franca and in order to communicate with other persons in most of the countries around the world, is necessary to have an accurate pronunciation of the language.
    2. What is intelligibility and how do you think it depends on both the speaker and the listener?
    A_ The word intelligibility means that something or someone is capable of being understood. This has to be extremely attached in the relationship of speaker – listener, the basic root of communication is that the message gets clear to the ending point. If the message is not produce in an appropriate way the receiver of it is not going to be able to decode it and the process of communication will have failed. According to this, intelligibility, is very important if a person is trying to share ideas with other, it does not matter in which language is been developed, there is always the need to be clear in the communication process.
    3. What are the elements of semiotics? Why is it so important for English teachers to use them in the language classroom?
    A_ The elements of semiotics are sings, body language, and physical expression. These elements are closely related to the learning process. In order to have both good and respectful relationship with the students, a teachers needs to have under his control the elements previously mentioned, the body language always has to be according to a figure in charge of the situation, physical expression needs to show respect in order to be respected the other way around and to be well understood, the teacher needs to use clear symbols and icon when presenting a class. All these stuff put together makes the environment of the class easy to take and happy to be in.

  7. State your opinion on Kelly's (1969) position on calling pronunciation the "Cinderella area of EFL."

    as kelly has said the pronunciation throughout the time has been neglected by teachers who are more interested in knowing more content without taking into account or knowledge if it is difficult to pronounce or understand any word within all content.
    The pronunciation is essential at the moment of maintaining a conversation, reading among other aspects that influence in a comprehensive and meaningful way when learning a second language.

    2.What is intelligibility and how do you think it depends on both the speaker and the listener?
    intelligibility is very important for teachers who teach a second language and depends on both parts of the speaker's pronunciation and the understanding of who receives the message, at the time of speaking it is necessary that the message is received properly, because if it is not done in this way, the meaning of this can change when you want to share with other people. It is for this reason the importance on the part of both people when expressing their ideas you need to be clear when we communicate.
    3.What are the elements of semiotics? Why is it so important for English teachers to use them in the language classroom?
    body language, facial expressions, signs etc.
    ody language, facial expressions, signs etc.
    These categories are very important to use during the class, since they are part of our daily life and also students are able to process knowledge and effort through different ways and give security to the teacher and students in the learning process.

  8. 1.State your opinion on Kelly's (1969) position on calling pronunciation the "Cinderella area of EFL."
    Kelly compares to "Cinderella" to the pronunciation because "Cinderella" was neglected and discriminated from the society and step- sisters.For that reason she call pronunciation the "Cinderella area of EFL". Because the pronunciation has been neglected and descriminated by the teachers. In a few words, the pronunciation has not been taken into account as much as other areas of teaching. In the learning process teachers were focused just in (grammar, reading and writing). Nevertheless, nowadays pronunciation is an integral part of language instruction in combination with other language skills such as (listening, reading, speaking, and writing) since the main goal of language is seen as communicating in the target language (TL). Pronunciation is an important part of the language. And it is necessary to have an accurate pronunciation of the language in order to communicate with others. Besides, as a future teachers if we need to have an accurate pronunciation because we are going to be the model from students. If we teach very well the pronunciation of the words the students are going to pronounce in a correct way.

    2.What is intelligibility and how do you think it depends on both the speaker and the listener?
    Intelligibility is the state or quality of being intelligible. Is able to be understood and comprehensible. In others words, when someone is capable of being understood. Inteligibility depens on speaker and listener, for example in a conversation the process of communication will successful if the receiver gets the message clear to the ending. But if the transmitter the message in an inappropriate way the receiver of the message is not going to be able to understand the message (decode), and the process of communication will fail. The conversation occurs when in the parties share or understand each other’s values, experiences, and cultures. It is important when people share ideas and experiences to be clear with the message so that the communication process is understandable.

    3.What are the elements of semiotics? Why is it so important for English teachers to use them in the language classroom?
    The elements of semiotics sings, body language and (facial) physical expression.These elements are related with the teaching process. Teachers use sings when they convey information and they are given instructions. Teachers use body language when they have to figure a situation and also, when they need to control the classroom. Teachers use the physical expression when they need to show respect moving around the classroom. As a teacher at the moment to use in a language classroom all these elements of semiotics, we have to consider that the use of all these elements to help the students understand the class, process their knowledge in the long-term memory and achieve a permanent learning.

  9. 1.State your opinion on Kelly's (1969) position on calling pronunciation the "Cinderella area of EFL."
    Kelly compares to "Cinderella" to the pronunciation because "Cinderella" was neglected and discriminated from the society and step- sisters.For that reason she call pronunciation the "Cinderella area of EFL". Because the pronunciation has been neglected and descriminated by the teachers. In a few words, the pronunciation has not been taken into account as much as other areas of teaching. In the learning process teachers were focused just in (grammar, reading and writing). Nevertheless, nowadays pronunciation is an integral part of language instruction in combination with other language skills such as (listening, reading, speaking, and writing) since the main goal of language is seen as communicating in the target language (TL). Pronunciation is an important part of the language. And it is necessary to have an accurate pronunciation of the language in order to communicate with others. Besides, as a future teachers if we need to have an accurate pronunciation because we are going to be the model from students. If we teach very well the pronunciation of the words the students are going to pronounce in a correct way.

    2.What is intelligibility and how do you think it depends on both the speaker and the listener?
    Intelligibility is the state or quality of being intelligible. Is able to be understood and comprehensible. In others words, when someone is capable of being understood. Inteligibility depens on speaker and listener, for example in a conversation the process of communication will successful if the receiver gets the message clear to the ending. But if the transmitter send the message in an inappropriate way the receiver of the message is not going to be able to understand the message (decode), and the process of communication will fail. The conversation occurs when in the parties share or understand each other’s values, experiences, and cultures. It is important when people share ideas and experiences to be clear with the message so that the communication process is understandable.

    3.What are the elements of semiotics? Why is it so important for English teachers to use them in the language classroom?
    The elements of semiotics sings, body language and (facial) physical expression.These elements are related with the teaching process. Teachers use sings when they convey information and they are given instructions. Teachers use body language when they have to figure a situation and also, when they need to control the classroom. Teachers use the physical expression when they need to show respect moving around the classroom. As a teacher at the moment to use in a language classroom all these elements of semiotics, we have to consider that the use of all these elements to help the students understand the class, process their knowledge in the long-term memory and achieve a permanent learning.

  10. 1. Express your opinion on the position of Kelly (1969) on the pronunciation of the so-called "Cinderella area of ​​EFL"

    In my opinion, I think that Kelly's position, in terms of pronunciation, is based on the fact that her importance has been constantly lowered, because teachers often only rely on the student being able to speak it but not correctly pronounce it and believe that this is a very important point to be learning a language for it the teacher today has many methodologies and thus carry out different strategies that allow the student to develop both their way of learning a language and how to pronounce The best way possible

    2. What is intelligibility and how do you think it depends on both speakers and listeners?
    the intelligible word is the designation that can be understood or perceived without problems, this means that it is like other people make themselves understood in an easy way but in the same way it is important how this interprets the message, since this same one does not Being pronounced or heard in the right way could change or distort the meaning of it, so when communicating with other people we must take into account the way to express ourselves and also have a good intelligibility.

    3. How are language and culture intertwined? Why is it impossible to speak a language without mentioning its culture?
    Language is a social institution that is inherited from generation to generation, created for the ordering of its speakers, while culture is a set of learned behavior patterns, such as customs and traditions ie all the different forms of expression of the society.
    In my opinion When a person learns a new language, he may think that just knowing his grammar has acquired the necessary knowledge to speak it correctly. But the reality is very different when we know that learning a language is not only to learn its grammar, but also to learn a whole series of strategies that derive from the cultural parameters in which it develops.

  11. 1. State your opinion on Kelly's (1969) position on calling pronunciation the "Cinderella area of EFL."
    She tells about the import of the pronunciation in the classroom, she say that teacher neglected to teach the pronunciation, and she makes a comparison between a “Cinderella” in the fairy tale. To teach pronunciation is to develop skills in the students because according Kelly´s, pronunciation it´s combine with other skills like a listening, reading, speaking and writing. The pronunciation in EFL it´s very important because it´s how we communicate with other people that speaks a second language.

    2. What are the elements of semiotics? Why is it so important for English teachers to use them in the language classroom?
    A// The elements of semiotics are:
    Symbol, icon and index.
    The teacher would use all of these elements in the classroom for to improve their knowledge or their learning long-term, to use audiovisual materials, and achieve lifelong learning. But the teacher must to know very well the meaning of each element and put them into practice in their classroom. To use the element of the semiotic can to improve the learning from the student because they imitated the gesture, position and the interaction when the teacher´s talk about of any topic, the students can to remembering easily, for a long-term.

    3. How are language and culture strictly interwoven? Why is it impossible to talk about a language without mentioning its culture?
    A//The culture and the language are strictly intertwined since one cannot speak a language without knowing the customs, norm and beliefs of that culture, which must undoubtedly be accompanied by elements of semiotics, in order to be able to communicate through imitative gestures, these elements They change according to each culture, since in some they can be accepted and in others they cannot, because each culture are different.

  12. 1. What is intelligibility and how do you think it depends on both the speaker and the listener?
    A//. Intelligibility means that something or someone is being understood, measure the quality of the utterance/speech and how comprehensible it is. I think that depend on both the speaker and the listener because it may be that the speaker talk very well but the listener cannot understand because s/he has a low development of listening, or vice versa, besides of that the listening and speaking skills need to integrated other sub skills like pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, etc., that means that if someone wants to be understood, needs to develop them and be able to coding the message in terms of answering or asking something to someone.

    2. What are the elements of semiotics? Why is it so important for English teachers to use them in the language classroom?
    A//. Those elements are; signs, body language, facial expressions and etc. Pierce examines the signs under 3 different categories; symbol, icon and index. However, Altay and Ünal (2013) described the elements of semiotics in a detailed way some of them are “eye contact, posture, gestures and mimics, hand movements, proxemics, kinesics and clothing.” (p. 418). It is so important that teacher uses them in the language classroom because in this way it can occurred a real communication between teacher and students. Also this allows to have a better process of learning the language, not only for a moment but to save in a long time in their memory as a meaningful knowledge.

    3. Explain the ultimate relationship between semiotics, culture, and language. How can we effectively bring them to the language classroom?
    A//. Semiotics, culture and language are connected because language always is going to carry with a culture behind of it and also every language has its own system and codes (semiotics) in their own society/culture, that means that all visual or gestures can have a different meaning in another culture. So everything is connected and need to be taught as one. We can be bring them in classroom using different techniques, activating previous knowledge of the students using visual aids but also verbal components to interact with them, also it is important to make them to be aware about the different cultures around the world.

  13. 1. State your opinion on Kelly's (1969) position on calling
    pronunciation the "Cinderella area of EFL."
    Most of the teachers forgets to teach pronunciation
    because their focus is on the merely act of speaking or
    talking without matter how well you pronounce a word;
    personally talking I know a small amount of teachers who
    correct pronunciation but it is also related with the
    embarrassment students feel when talking that teachers
    only focus is on achieve students speak or talk, at
    least, to each other. It has to be a whole package that
    includes speaking, writing, listening, reading, grammar
    and pronunciation among other skills a person has to
    have. By having a good pronunciation of words it is
    going to be more understandable someone’s discourse and
    the process of communication would be more effective.

    2. What is intelligibility and how do you think it depends
    on both the speaker and the listener?
    Intelligibility is a term that described how a person
    can be understood, it refers on how accurate you are at
    the moment of speaking or at the moment of pronunciation
    of words in a correct way, how comprehensible someone’s
    speech is to others, it has to do with vocabulary,
    grammar, context and clarity at the moment of
    communicate with someone. It is closely related on the
    listener and the speaker because the main purpose of
    communication is to transmit a message a feeling or a
    thought and if we cannot share that message in a right
    and clear way, it gets lost. We have to think on the
    importance of intelligibility in the process of
    communication, we have to be as clear as we can when we
    are talking with someone because the goal is that our
    message gets receive in a meaningful and understandable

    3. What are the elements of semiotics? Why is it so
    important for English teachers to use them in the
    language classroom?
    The elements of semiotics are signs, body language, and
    facial expression among others. The use of semiotics is
    important inside classrooms because students are going
    to be able to understand a topic easily and effective
    plus it also helps teachers by creating an easy
    environment to teach. Semiotics can also activate
    students’ previous knowledge and easily enabling them to
    visualize the information in their mind developing the
    visual or spatial intelligence. Students get more aware
    of different cultures around the world by the use of
    semiotics, they are able to recognize and interpret in a
    more easy way what the speaker is saying or trying to
    communicate from the body language, intonation or even
    the words stressed by the speaker in its discourse.

  14. 1.state your opinion on Kellys(1969) position on calling pronunciation the ¨Cinderella¨ area of EFL?
    according to kelly(1969) pronunciation has been negleted part of languege . she refered to call it cinderella.
    and said that pronunciation is negleted by the teacher.
    in my point of view, pronunciation is one of the most essencial part of communication now a day, and sometimes we as a teacher do not give importance to the pronunciation, we pay more attetion to the other skills and leave the pronunciation a side. we as a teacher have to use different tecniques in order to use more pronunciation in the classroom.

    2.what is the telligibility and how do you think it depents on both the speaker and the lstener?

    telligibity is the capability of being understood. It is so important because we as a teacher have to be a correct pronunciation and intonation, because sometimes we did not prounce the word correctly and the other person did not understand that you are saying because, we do not have to the ability of understand and sometimes we do not have a correct pronunciation for the other people to understand us.

    3.what are the elements of semiyotic? why is it so important for english teacher to use them in the language classroom?

    the element of semiotic are:mimic, hand movement, eyes contact, proxemic. It is so important as a teacger to use them because provides an understanding and we will be able to help to ours students to understand better the the teacher explain and they are going to be clear, and that way they are going to learn easily.
    and they are going to be able to have a better communication with each other.

  15. State your opinion on Kelly's (1969) position on calling pronunciation the "Cinderella area of EFL."
    Based on my experience as a learner and according to Kelly's possition,that means pronunciation is an essential component like grammar,vocabulary or any other aspect of language,is not an optional extra for the language learner
    because people notice when a person is speaking and definitely pay attention to pronunciation.As a teachers we must apply different strategies or techniques for teaching EFL pronunciation.

    What are the elements of semiotics? Why is it so important for English teachers to use them in the language classroom?
    Body language,facial expressions,symbols,icons and index are the elements of semiotics that are essential components of communication competence because can be a goal for both the teacher and the learner.Is very important apply them in the language classroom because students show abilities related with the different activities , they interact with others,and understand better any topic.

    Explain the ultimate relationship between semiotics, culture, and language. How can we effectively bring them to the language classroom?
    When we learn a second language,we need to learn about culture too,so semiotics,culture and language mantain a relationship and the three terms cannot be separated because learners achieve a permanent learning when teachers use sings,visual and body language,mantain eye contact with then.Another thing that is important too,is the environment,because we can use the context and express opinions,experiences and abilities.

  16. 1. State your opinion on Kelly's (1969) position on calling pronunciation the "Cinderella area of EFL."

    -Pronunciation has been a neglected part of the language learning as Kelly (1969) I agree with Kelly´s opinion on this since we can actually see it nowadays in our schools where pronunciation is not most emphasized teaching pronunciation is of most importance in foreign language learning. To ensure effective pronunciation teaching, there are certain factors that should be considered: biological, personal, sociocultural, pedagogic, mother tongue influence, and setting realistic goals.. Of course, all this cannot be achieved unless teachers follow certain principles of effective pronunciation teaching: learning to describe pronunciation, creating a non-threatening atmosphere, and teaching pronunciation step by step.

    2. What is intelligibility and how do you think it depends on both the speaker and the listener?

    - Kenworthy (1987, p. 13) defines intelligibility as “being understood by a listener at a given time in a given situation”. If a listener is able to identify accurately and effortlessly words and expressions from a particular speaker and context, this person can be considered intelligible. The speaker must aim for an expression that is close enough for the listener to establish a comparison and recognize the message; Learners need to be intelligible in order to communicate not only with English native speakers but also with non-native. It is assumed that the non-native speaker should work towards a native speaker’s communicative competence.

    3. What are the elements of semiotics? Why is it so important for English teachers to use them in the language classroom?

    - Signifier, signified, referent, paradigm, poetic function, isotopy, actantial model, semiotic triangle, semiotic square, open text,
    The semiotic nature of language teaching is a complicated and an essential concept to study. In the language classroom, the primary role of the language learner is to transfer and exchange correct information with his/her audience. While doing this, the language learner makes use of the semiotic signs. Most of these signs are used unconsciously by the students and the teachers. Since semiotics is the combination of signs and symbols to communicate the information, the students and the teachers make use of a number of signs, some of which are iconic and some are symbolic.


  17. 1.
    Pronunciation has been a neglected part of the language learning as Kelly (1969) prefers to call it “Cinderella”
    area of EFL to point that pronunciation is neglected by teachers on purpose like Cinderella who is also neglected
    and discriminated from the society by her step-sisters in the well-known fairy-tale. However; today, pronunciation is an integral part of language instruction in combination with other language skills (listening,reading, speaking, and writing) since the primary goal of language is seen as communicating in the target language (TL). There has been a prominent shift about
    the goal of pronunciation teaching from native-like competency to intelligibility which depends on both speaker and listener. Thus, language teachers should reassess learner needs, goals and their teaching methodologies and techniques. I am according with it,the pronunciation is very important as well as writing, listening, and reading, but when we was children the first step was to talk with other and then we learned to write the communication is the most important together with the rest but when we talk clear and transmit that we really want to say, that make us safer.

    2.Semiotics is the science of signs, of symbolic behavior or of communication. suggests “The application of semiotic theories to education has recently gained significant importance and led to the emergence of a new field of study called educational semiotics.ierce examines the
    signs under 3 different categories; symbol, icon and index, described the elements of semiotics in a detailed way some of them are “eye contact, posture, gestures and mimics, hand movements, proxemics, kinesics and clothing.It very important because we are talking about communication, every teacher have a communication with theirs student every day, and semiotics; is the body of language, the symbols, and it can help the teacher to impruve the pronunciation and know deeply the language to become to better profesional

    3. can be concluded that using semiotics to
    teach pronunciation is also related to the mutual relationship between semiotics and culture since teaching environments can never be drained of them. language classrooms teachers should consider carefully making use of these semiotic elements to help students understand the lesson better, process their knowledge in the long-term memory and achieve a permanent learning. “successful language learning requires language users to know the culture that underlies that particular target language, It should be stated that culture and the language are strictly interwoven and it is impossible to talk about a language without mentioning the culture it is spoken.

  18. What is intelligibility and how do you think it depends on both the speaker and the listener? It is when the person is capable of explaining themselves when they are explaining something in this case for the speaker it is important because she or he needs to be clear with its message and for the listener is important because he needs to be capable of interpreting the message the speaker wants to transmit

    What are the elements of semiotics? Why is it so important for English teachers to use them in the language classroom? semiotics is the study of signs, in semiotics there are different elements like colors, figures and content of the message that are important for transmitting a message, in teaching, semiotics is important because the teachers transmits a message when he or she is teaching thats why the teacher needs to understand how the human brain receives the message and use the best resources when teaching or transmiting a message

    Explain the ultimate relationship between semiotics, culture, and language. How can we effectively bring them to the language classroom? it is important to know and always to remember that people lives in a society and we as a teachers, cant isolate society from class we need to look always the way to link society to the class there are lots of message and information the society is transmiting to the person so we need to look for the way of using this information in order to link the person with the society the values in this situation play an important role because we are commanded as teachers to guide our students when something is wrong in society.

