Saturday, June 23, 2018

Phonemic Chart

Hello class!

The International Phonemic Alphabet (IPA) helps by providing a way to write words as they are pronounced. The normal alphabet only has 26 characters but there are 44 different sounds that are used to pronounce words. As well as that, most words in English originate from other languages like Greek, Latin and French, to name just a few and in many cases the the language of origin influences how the word is pronounced.

The IPA provides a symbol (phoneme) for each sound so the correct pronunciation can be written or printed in dictionaries.

This video helps language learners to hear the correct pronunciation and also to know how to produce the sound of each phoneme.

Please watch this interesting video that explains the phonemic chart and classifies sounds in a very useful way.

After watching, please answer the following:
  1. Name at least 7 sounds that you are certain to know how to pronounce and how to write its corresponding phoneme. (If you do not have seven, that is more than o.k., just write the ones you know.)
  2. Name at least 7 sounds that you neither know how to pronounce nor how to write its corresponding phoneme. 
  3. Explain in no less than 150 words how this will be useful for your teaching and how you are planning to use it.

Please watch the whole video, take the time to write good and complete answers, and double check them before submitting them.

Deadline: Tuesday, June 26th, at 11:59pm.


  1. 1. /v/, /tʃ/, /f/, /k/, /l/, /b/, /ʃ/
    2. /ʒ/, /dʒ/, /θ/, /ð/, /i:/, /ə/, /ɔ:/
    3. To know the phonemes and know how pronounced them correctly, it is going to be useful in my teaching to improve the pronunciation of students and that they can transmit information and speak the language in a clear and better way, know the pronunciation may helps to student to acquire a little bit easy the language and also it helps me as a teacher to improve my speech and at the moment of making dictation or spellings be clear and do not allow misunderstanding.
    To apply it in my classroom I will analyze the needs of my students and I am going to use games or dynamics that can bring meaningful input, applying through the daily class, as part of the content that is given to the students and also using technology, in this way student can familiarize with the sound and hear them outside the classroom and be aware of them in their common conversation in the target language.

  2. 1. /n/, /tʃ/, /f/, /v/, /b/, / θ /, /ʃ/
    2. /ʒ/, /dʒ/, /ð/, /u:/, /ə/, /ɔ:/,/^/
    3. The use of pronunciation is really important, also how to write the phonemes and know how to pronounced them correctly. It will be usefull in my teaching because then I am going to have the responsibility to teach to another people, and if I commited mistake when I pronounce a word my studens are going to carry up the same problems.
    My purpose to teach this topic to my students; first, looking for their needs, second, according with their needs I am going to implement some strategies in order to help them, for example using funny games, because my purpose is that they learned, at the same time enjoying what they are doing. One of the games it could be “hangman” this is an interesting game because the students can use their previous knoledge and work in groups. Anothers interesting game is “ I am going to a party” this game is funny and the students can share different information make it fun. Sorry if I have mistakes:0

  3. 1.- /w/, /j/, /f/, /k/, /l/, /b/, /ʃ/
    2.- /ʒ/, /dʒ/, /θ/, /a:/, /i:/, /ə/, /ɔ:/, /ʒ/
    3.- to know about the phonemes it is really important for practising pronunciation because, it is an essential part of the language. how will you pronounce correctly if you don't know the sound of the words? it is impossible. to be an excelent teacher I think that practise those sounds accurately the students will be success. Many language teachers encourage their students to learn the symbols so they can make a note of what new words sound like, so they can remember them after class.

    Learning the pronunciation of each phonemic is also great because it helps you see out how the sounds in English are related and also it helps that students recognize each word, because some words have different meaning but with similar pronunciation. In order to teach this sounds I will to use differents strategies and activities. Activities such Tic-tac-toc, tongue twister, hand man, spealling of words.
    With this kind of activities students enjoy the process and it is easier for them to understand.

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  6. 1. These are the seven sounds I have no problem with; [t], [p], [ð], [ɳ], [k], [m], and [f].
    (I master all the consonants' symbol and its sound).

    2. Now, I struggle with the recognition of the following vowels symbols: [ɛ], [ə], [e̞], [ɔ], [æ], [ʊ], and [i]. ( Honestly, I struggle with most of the vowels' symbols and its sound)

    3. In one hand, having a good pronunciation aids the learners to have self-confidence when mastering the language but it also positively affects fluency and elocuency. On the other hand, when learners do not have a good pronunciation, their confidence seems to be affected, they tend to feel foolish and ashamed when being aware that they are being misunderstood when delivering a message.
    As language teachers we must be aware of the importance of teaching pronunciation in an EFL classroom and as we are studying to become language teachers we must master the different sounds of vowels and consonants. But, in my personal opinion I find that memorizing the IPA, is useless (for the language learners). I wouldn’t ask my students to memorize each symbol and it sound. Instead I would focus on training my students to be aware of the place of articulation of each phoneme, or I would use techniques like; use of mymics, gestures, and practice each sound A LOT. There is a technique that I would definetely use with my students; 'Shadowing' (which is the imitation of pronunciation of American native speakers ).

  7. 1. /n/ /t/ /K/ /s/ /m/ /ʃ/ /ʧ/

    2./ʒ/ /θ/ /ð/ /əa/ /aɪ/ /u:/ /ʊ/

    3.It is important create a phonetics awareness in every English learner even if are children or adults, Phonetics awareness give them, a positive effect in the use of the language. It helps them to recognize and manipulate sounds and improve their communicative skills.
    I would like to planning my classes taken a time for the lesson, focus in phonetic awareness where my students can practice and know how useful it is to enhance their skills, develop oral activities like sound games, rhyming activities and follow the beat, that facilitated and helps students be able to differentiate sound are very similar and are harder to understand, segment phonemes, blend sounds together and they be could be familiar with sounds and transcription. Also, it is important for me as a teacher that they can have fun using these activities and they can enjoy learning how the languages works.

  8. 1- / ʃ / / ʊ / / θ / / ŋ / / p / / t / / k /
    2- / ɪ / / ɛ / / æ / / aɪ / / ɔ: / u: / / ð /

    3- These fields would help students learn how to pronounce English words and sentences. Also, it would help students to develop their confident level in front of their students while they are speaking in English. Phonology also will help me as English teacher and students to have better pronunciation as well as will have strong grasp on intonation, accent and dialect in English language. This is important, since the teacher is the role model or good exemplar to their students. I think phonetics and phonology also would help students in term of self-motivation and self-esteem. This is because when we want to talk in English language the most important thing that we require is confident. Thus, if the students master how words are produce and how to pronoun it well it would rise their confident to speak in English more. Besides that, I am planning to teach it in a very fun and innovation way through drilling, tongue twisters, sounds comparison, and noticing to make students feel comfortable and interested in the class while I am teaching them.

  9. 1. /k/  /P/  /m/  /n/  /s/  /t/  /ʃ/

    2. /ŋ/  /ə/  /æ/  /ʒ/  /dʒ/  /ɛ/  /ð/

    3. know the phonemes and have a good pronunciation is very important in many aspects one of them is to communicate in a proper way also one of the problems that people have to speak in English is the fear of pronouncing the words wrong also to be a good teacher is important to put in practice this because if a student has a teacher with bad pronunciation the student will learn badly. the teachers must put into practice the pronunciation and each of the phonemes from the first moment in which they teach English because repeating and practicing the phonemes from the beginning the students could become excellent speakers
     but remember that maybe the students could see it too boring therefore it is our job as teachers to make it fun throw games, songs and good activities so that they are motivated

  10. 1. [ð], [ɳ], /w/, /b/, / ʃ /, / ʊ / /ʧ/

    2. [ɔ], [æ], / ɪ /, / ɛ /, /ʒ/ , /dʒ/ /u:/

    3.In my opinion, knowing or using the phonemes at the moment of teaching is very useful because with this I help my students to be able to pronounce in a better way each one of the words which they practice either in class or at time to be talking to other people.

    Also another very important point when teaching the student to pronounce correctly, is that with this one as a teacher makes you know the different meanings that a word can have and also the importance of pronouncing correctly to know how to express the word or idea and as you want not in a wrong way, of course the student will not be taught from one day to the next, this is a job that we have to develop in the student using different strategies and methods making use of visuals, videos, songs, practice dictations etc

  11. 1. [p][b][k][f][t][e][θ]
    3. it is important because helps to students have a good pronunciation and they be able to develope comunicative competences. Also would like to planning my classes taken a time for the lesson, focus in phonetic awarenes activities help children learn to distinguish individual sounds or phonemes with words and children can learn to associate sound with letter and manipulate sounds to blend words (during reading) or sement words (during spelling). That it's important to teach the pronunciation well because we develop the abilities of children using differents techniques and strategies .

  12. Good afternoon everyone!

    1. [I] [u:] [e] [ʌ] [ʊ] [p] [b]

    2. [t] [d] [f] [v] [m] [n] [h] [s] [l] [r] [k] [θ] [ŋ] [t̠ʃ] [d̠ʒ]

    3. I consider that the knowledge of phonemes and their application is important for the oral production of the student. In addition, not only helps the student, but also the teacher benefits from knowing the correct way to pronounce and then to transmit it to the learners. Also, this helps anyone to know the correct pronunciation of unknown words. Teaching phonetic sounds helps the student to be aware of the importance of pronunciation. Regarding its application in the classroom, I consider that the best way to practice pronunciation is through communicative activities and games that challenge the student. A method can be tongue twisters, sound chains, charades, etc. Through these activities, the student is able to learn almost spontaneously creating an environment where effort is reduced and learning increases. Knowing the phonetic pronunciation is something that should be incorporated in each English class. Maybe not all phonemes in a month, but at least teach a certain number of phonemes in a long period.

  13. 1. Ok, so these are the sounds I find easy to pronounce, remember, and write; [t], [p], [ɳ], [k], [m], and [f]. (Only six consonant sounds.) And of course; the vowel sounds which I find easy to remember and identify: [ə], [e̞], [æ], [ʊ], and [i].

    2. These are the symbols I have trouble with: [ɛ], [t̠ʃ], [d̠ʒ], [ʒ], [dʒ], [ð], [^]. (There might be more)

    3. To be honest, when it comes to phonetics I have a hard time trying to come up with ideas to make my students interested in sounds or symbols; this of course, might be a projection of my own as a teacher, given that, even though I do believe pronunciation is important when learning a second language; I struggle trying to connect this knowledge to reality by convincing my students that they will use this someday in their lives. To make this content fun, I would try different activities like the ones we did in class, particularly an activity that has to do with entrepreneurship; this way, students create and apply their acquired knowledge, and to identify sound and pronunciation in the dictionary (dictionary rills) would work perfectly as well. Other than that, I would suggest to incorporate the phonetic pronunciation in class at a reasonable pace, given that learning all 44 sounds at the same time might be very overwhelming for the student. Having a Phonetic chart like the one in the video inside the classroom might help as well, and of course, the daily practice guided by the teacher (writing and repetition).

  14. 1_ [p] [b] [m] [n] [v] [u:] [I]
    2_ [3:] [ʌ] [t̠ʃ] [d̠ʒ] [æ] [ə] [ð]
    3_ First I think that is very necessary for us as teachers to know the correct way to pronounce words in order to correct students when the need is come. Identify whether the students are mispronounce or not a word will help us in our daily work. If a teacher knows where and how the sounds are produced this gives him the needed tools to improve the students pronunciation. I am really planning to learn more about this phonetic chart to use it in class and making emphasis with the students of lower level of English knowledge. Probably I will start by giving them the complete chart (this one from the video is very accurate) and provide them with words used regularly in classroom and use one or more of the exercises learned in class. I will definitely keep trying to improve in this area of teaching because I think that is very important in the learning process of EFL learners.

  15. 1. [b] [p] [θ] [ŋ] [t] [k] [f]
    2. [æ] [^] [dʒ] [ð] [ü] [ʒ] [ə]

    3. It is impontat because helps to students have a good pronunciation and they be able to develope communicative competences. I consider that the knowledge of phonemes and their pronunciation is important for the oral production of the students. So that when they speak or write they can know how to identify the correct form of pronunciation they can transmit their knowledge to others. In order to develop the ability to recognize phonetic sounds, children can play word games because as the games are played, different techniques and strategies will appear to continue performing more activities.

  16. 1.[æ] [v] [ɘ] [ʉ] [p] [b] [u]

    2.[ʈ] [ɱ] [ɳ] [u:][t͡ʃ] [θ] [ʒ] [ə] [ʌ] [ɛ]

    3. I remember my first days of classes when I took the basic level. I really had no idea about the phonetics. Now I realize that knowing phonetics is very important because, you can communicate with other people who speak your same language. very important to us. I really feel happy because, I have learned a lot about phonics as writing on phoneme and this is very important for us teachers, because we are going to be teachers and we have to have a lot of knowledge to be able to share with our students and feel proud from ourselves.

  17. 1./b/ /t/ /z/ /s/ /f//θ/ /p/

    2./ɡ/ /m̩//ð/ /tʃ/ /dʒ/ /ŋ/ /ʒ/

    3.In my personal opinion, having the knowledge of how to pronounce each sound is very important to be able to communicate with others in an appropriate way. For this reason we should be implemented as students teaching the sound of each letter so that we do not have difficulties when saying a word or a sentence and thus improve the ability to manipulate unknown words.
    As a future teacher I plan to use different methods so that my students can easily learn phonemes and make them fun, strategies such as: games, the use of the dictionary and applications etc. because doing this kind of activities will improve the skill of each one of them and they will be able to recognize the words and the symbols will be easier to identify and always emphasizing that, to learn a second language it is very important to know their pronunciation, and necessary practice and above all good attitude.


  18. 1. /n/, /m/, /f/, /v/, /b/, / θ /, /ʃ/, /tʃ/, /^/

    2. /ʒ/, /dʒ/, /ð/, /u:/, /ə/, /ɔ:/, /æ/

    3.Is really important to know the phonemes and moreover know how pronounce very well. And It will be useful in my teaching ,because I will be able to teach to my students to ponounce in a correct way the words.In order that they can comunicate with other in a common conversation.Likewise, they can speak the language without problems and they can understand everything.Konw the pronunciation of the words help to students to learn the language in an easier way.As a future teacher to know the pronunciation of the words help me to improve my speech .I will encourage to students to learn the symbols,in order that they reconigze the words sound.Also this help to students to recognize each word. Also,as a teacher help me to develop communicative activities.
    To apply the teaching of phonethic sounds in my classroom I will use communicative activities like: dinamics, games,spell words through this activities is easier that students understand .Furthermore, students can familiarize with the souds inside and outside the classroom.The pronunciation of each phonemes help to students to reconigze each word, because some words have almost similar pronunciation but have different meaning.In that way students can understand when they are speaking or doing an activity.

  19. ɑ:/ /i:/ /e/ /I/ /u:/ /eI/ /aɪ/

    2. /ɔɪ/ /aɪ/ /əʊ/ /aʊ/ /ɪə/ /eə/ /v/

    3. To recognize the sounds of the each letter from the alphabet is very important because improve our pronunciation, it can determine the meaning in an expression. If we want to speak English very well, we have to teach our self to recognize and pronounce the set of English sound. As a teacher we have to know every alphabet sound because the student only repeat and believe that we teach them, it is very difficult to recognize every sounds, but we can practice and improve every time.

    If we can not to pronounce the sound of English the people won´t understand very well.
    I am planning to use the alphabet sound to practice every time speaking writing the phonetics transcription. We can Search homophones words (the same sound, but different spelling) and homographs words (the same spelling and different sounds) and compared the meaning.

  20. 1./k/s/m/ʃ/n/t/f/w/

    2./dʒ/ð/ɔ/æ/ʊ/i/aʊ/ know about the phonemes is really important, because we have to pronounce clear our ideas because sometimes when you prononce the words in a whrong way the meaning is differtent. as a teacher we have to know the correct pronunciation of the words because the children learn from us so if you pronounce the words in a bad way childrens are going to make the same mistakes, so we need to be carefull with that kind of problems.

    in the future when i get my job as teacher i going to work hard in that part because i know the impòrtant of the phonemes so i going to work hard to meke my students to pronounce the words and speak in a good way.

  21. 1.


    3. In my personal opinion, to read English well and have strong communication skills, students must learn the sounds of English letters and understand how they work together. When phonics is introduced as a way to teach English, language learners can learn correct pronunciation and grammar to avoid flaws that will result in poor communication in the classroom.
    Phonics builds and use to help children learn to read by breaking down words into sounds and building letter and word recognition. This can enhance a child's ability to use unknown words in the future. Likewise, phonics enables children to blend words and teach them how to dissect words, while improving spelling ability and increasing pronunciation at the same time. I would say first, read short stories or poems written in straightforward English(depending on students' level)Making a game of finding words that rhyme. Start with a word the student suggests and take turns finding a word that rhymes with it. If she/he says tree, the teacher says bee and stress that the words sound alike at the end.
    Teach the concept of syllables after the rhyming. Use people's names, places and jobs as a basis for saying words. If students are adept at plumbing, use terms such as sink, toilet, plumber and show them how to count the beats of the words by tapping the foot or clapping for each syllable. After that, teach the alphabet and let student associate each letter with an object that begins with that letter. By using words with the long sounds of vowels such as eat, ate. Then, put the letters together to make short words. The teacher can starts with three-letter words that rhyme. We can use the "__at" words to begin. For example, we could use words such as bat, cat, fat and hat. Once this is mastered go on to other three-letter words such as words ending in "__un," "__in" and "__it." Teach four-letter words with the same ending such as game, name, tame. Using easy books such a collection of poems and short stories to teach phonics. Allow the student to recognize the letters and the small words. Teacher should goes slowly on a pace that the student feels comfortable.
    In order to reinforce what the teacher has done previously , it is important to show them visuals aids such as:flashcards with the words they have learned at the beginning of each lesson.

  22. 1./p/ /b/ /t/ /d/ /f/ /m/ /n/ 2./^/ /e/ /l/ /r/ /s/ /z/ /k/ It is important to impruve the pronunciation, and to express the ideas more clear and to be confident according to correct pronunciation, it is interesting to know about every detail in this language call english, we are learning to teach in a future, if we learn good we could be excelent teacher, this tool can help us a lot, because we are not native speakers, I am not going to say is easy, because it is difficult, but it is neccesary, I hope to be a good teacher and teach every thing that I learned, and give opportunity a every student to talk with freedom without any afraid, only they are dedicate to learn and if they make mistakes correct them, however we are in a process and adopting for a new experience with this beautiful language, sooner than later we should to teach to our future students.

  23. 1 [k],[m],[t],[p][b][e:][I]
    2 [ts][3] [j]

    this video help me to understand what important is to know how to pronounce a word and at the same time is important to have the listening skill well divelop but before this we have to be able to recognize the symbols .
    in order to achieve this i think that we have to have good gestures in mouth and to rise this we have to practice either with listening to music or watchin videos to recognize the sound also to kow the pronunciation and how to write becouse every symbol has a sound that at the moment to pronounce a little detail can make a big difference that is why Iconcider that since we are learning English language is nessesary to know all the meaningful things that this involve
    I would sat that at the moment to apply this in the classrom I will do it with game songs videos activities that help the student to understand this topic

  24. 1. [k],[m], /b/, /θ /
    As a personal opinion ,I think is important to know and understand how the sounds are made and how to teach it correctly. on the other hand it is important recognize the symbol in order to produce the correct pronunciation and also make an emphasis with our gestures in this way the students could improve their listening and pronunciation. i would like to say that the best way to apply it in the classroom is through songs , games related with the topic, repeating pronunciation and the most important make the students feel comfortable and secure at the moment to practice the sounds.

  25. 1. /ʊ/,/e/,/z,/w/,/m/,/p/,/v/.
    2. /dʒ/,/æ/,/ɛ/, /aɪ/, /ŋ/,/ʊ/,/θ/.
    3. In my opinion is very important to have phoneic awareness to be able to teach the right pronunciation of the sounds like in every profession you need to know everything about what you´re doing specially if you are a teacher so you cannot be teachinng the alphabet if you dont know the sounds of every letter cause you´ll be causing your students to learn the incorrect pronunciation too, i think phonemic awareness is key in teaching english to our students, i´m planning to implement it in class by taking the time to show the students at least one phonemic symbol every day and disscussing its sounds
