Friday, June 1, 2018

English Phonemes

Hello class!

As you can see on Table 8, there are nearly 40 phonemes of English, while there are only 26 letters in the alphabet.

Please use the chart of phonemes as a reference and write a comment with two famous English quotes about any topic into phonemic transcription.

Then, wait for other classmates to post their own phonemic transcriptions and choose one to try to read and decipher. Write the actual quote as a comment on his or her post.

I will model with a phonemic transcripted quote post and then an example of a comment on someone's transcripted quote.

Please take into consideration that if both your own post and a comment on someone else's post are not made accordingly with the instructions, or your answers display more than 15 grammar or spelling mistakes, you will not get the total amount of points. 

Take the time to write your answer well and double check it before submitting it.

Don't forget that quote choices cannot be exactly the same, so you have to be aware to use some that haven't been posted by someone else before.

Deadline: Monday, June 05th, at 11:59pm.


  1. Good evening dear classmates,

    This is my post with the two phonemically transcribed quotes:

    1. "ˈriːdɪŋ ɪz ˈnɒlɪʤ, ænd ˈnɒlɪʤ ɪz ˈpaʊə."

    2. "ɪt ɪz ˈbɛtə tuː biː fɪəd ðæn lʌvd, ɪf juː ˈkænɒt biː bəʊθ."

    Good night!

    1. (I am pretending to be someone else, not "Tomás Monge")

      Good evening Tomás,

      I think these are the quotes you phonemically transcribed:

      1. "Reading is knowledge, and knowledge is power."
      ─Sir Francis Bacon

      2. "It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both."
      ─Niccolo Machiavelli

      I think they were very interesting, thanks for sharing them.

      Good night!

  2. Now, please be aware that you have to find someone else's post and try to decipher THEIR transcriptions. Please do not write a comment on your own post, deciphering your own transcription.

  3. This is my post with the two phonemically transcribed quotes:

    1."lɪsənɪŋ ɪz biɪŋ ebəl tu tʃendʒd baj ðə əðər pərsən"

    2. " ðə gretəst prabləm wɪð kəmjunəkeʃən ɪz wi du nat lɪsən tu əndərstænd wi lɪsən tu rəplaj"

    1. 1. "Listening is being able to changed by the other person"

      2. "The greatest problem with communication is we do not listen to understand we listen to replay"

      I like them!

  4. Good afternoon classmates.
    These are my quotes:

    1."ðə bɛst weɪ tə prɪˈdɪkt jər ˈfjuʧər ɪz tə kriˈeɪt ɪt"

    2."lɜrn frəm ˈjɛstərdeɪ, lɪv fər tuˈdeɪ ,hoʊp fər tuˈmɑroʊ"

    1. Hi! Elsa

      I think these are the quotes you phonemically transcribed:

      2. learn from yesterday ,live for today ,hope for tomorrow .

      Have a nice day

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. This is my post with the two phonemically transcribed quotes:

    1. "wi məst lərn tu lajv təgɛðər æz brəðərz ɔr pɛrɪʃ təgɛðər æz fulz " ―martən luθər kɪŋ dʒunjər .

    2."lajv æz ɪf ju wər tu daj təmaro lərn æz ɪf ju wər tu lajv fərɛvər ” ― məhatmə gandi.

    1. Hi sendy I Think the quotes you chose said:
      1 we most learn to live as brothers or perish together as fools.
      Martin Luther King

      2 live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever
      mahatma Gandi

  6. this are the quotes that I chose:
    beaty ɪz nɒt ɪn ðə feɪs, ɪz ə laɪt ɪn ðə hɑːt. kahlil gibran

    dont weɪst jʊər taɪm wɪð ˌɛkspləˈneɪʃən ˈpipəl ˈoʊnli hir wʌt ðeɪ wɑnt tu hir . ˈpɔloʊ ˌkoʊˈɛloʊ

    1. Hello miss Sosa!

      This is what you transcription says:

      1. “Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.” Kahlil Gibran

      2. “Don't waste your time with explanations: people only hear what they want to hear.” Paulo Coelho

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hello everyone!
    ere are my two quotes.

    1. “wɜrdz həv noʊ ˈpaʊər tʊ ˈɪmˌprɛs ðə maɪnd wɪˈθaʊt ði ˈɛkskwəzət ˈhɔrər əv ðɛr ˌriˈæləˌti.” Edgar Allan Poe

    2. “aɪ wɑnt tə dʊ wɪθ jʊ wʌt sprɪŋ dəz wɪð ðə ˈʧɛri triz.” Pablo Neruda

    Have a nice weekend

    1. I think these is the transcription:

      Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality.

      I want To do with you what spring does with the cherry trees.

  9. hello Mr: Morel

    I think these are the quotes you phonemically transcribed:
    1.Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality.
    2.I want to do with you what spring does with the cherry trees

  10. This is my post with the two phonemically transcribed quotes:
    1.ɪf ˈnʌθɪŋ seɪvz ʌs frʌm dɛθ, æt list lʌv ʃʊd seɪv ʌs frʌm laɪf. Pablo Neruda.
    2.noʊ gʊd did goʊz ənˈpʌnɪʃt Oscar Wilde

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hello Bianca!

      I think these are the quotes you phonemically transcribed:

      "If nothing saves us from death, at least love should save us from life" Pablo Neruda.

      "No god did good in painful" Oscar Wilde.

  11. Hi!
    Two phonemically transcribed quotes:

    “bi e studənt æz lɔŋ æz ju stɪl hæv səmθɪŋ tu lərn ænd ðɪs wɪl min ɔl jɔr lajf. ”

    “lajv æz ɪf ju wər tu daj təmaro lərn æz ɪf ju wər tu lajv fərɛvər. ”

    1. Good night Ms.Rodriguez

      These are the two quotes you phonemically transcribed:

      "Be as student as long as you still have something to learn, and this will mean all your life"
      -Henry Doherty

      Live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as you were to live forever"
      -Mahatma Gandhi

  12. Good night everyone!

    These are my two phonemically transcribed quotes:

    “mɛni əv lajfs feljərz ar pipəl hu dɪd nat rilajz haw klos ðe wər tu səksɛs wɛn ðe gev əp taməs ɛdəsən"

    “æz lɔŋ æz pavərti ɪndʒəstəs ænd gros ɪnɪkwaləti pərsɪst ən awər wərld nən əv əs kæn truli rɛst nɛlsən mændɛlə ”

  13. Good night Natalia

    I think these are the quotes you phonemically transcribed:

    1."Many of the failures of life are people who have not realized what was successful when they gave up"
    -Thomas Edison

  14. Good night everyone!

    This is my post with the two phonemically transcribed quotes:

    "laɪf ɪz ʃɔrt ænd wi ʃʊd rɪˈspɛkt ˈɛvəri ˈmoʊmənt ʌv ɪt"

    "rɪˈspɛkt fɔr aʊərˈsɛlvz gaɪdz ˈaʊər ˈmɔrəlz, rɪˈspɛkt fɔr ˈʌðərz gaɪdz ˈaʊər ˈmænərz"

    Good night!

    1. Hi!
      I think your transcription says:

      1. "Life is short and we should respect every moment of it."

      2. "Respect for ourselves guides our morals, respect for others guides our manners."

  15. Good night everyone!

    These are my two phonemically transcribed quotes:

    "ˈwɛpənz ˌriˈkwaɪər ˈspɪrət æz ðə ˈlɛtərz mɪˈgɛl di sɛrˈvɑntɛs"

    "ɪˌmæʤəˈneɪʃən ɪz mɔr ɪmˈpɔrtənt ðæn ˈnɑləʤ ˈælbərt ˈaɪnstaɪn"

  16. hello these are my quotes for the blog:

    "ju mʌst bi ðə ʧeɪnʤ ju wɑnt tu si ɪn ðə wɜrld"

    "ˈsʌmθɪŋ ɪz ˈhæpənɪŋ , hɑnˈdʊrəs ɪz ˈʧeɪnʤɪŋ"

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I think are:
      1. you must be the change you want to see in the world.
      2. something is happening, Honduras is changin.

  17. Goog morning everyone.

    These are my two phonemically transcribed quotes:

    1- dəʊnt let jestədeɪ teɪk ʌp tu mʌtʃ əv tədeɪ.

    2- ɪf ɑːr wɜːkɪŋ ɪksaɪtɪŋ ðæt ju riːəli ker əbaʊt,
    ju dəʊnt həv tə bi pʊʃt. ðə vɪʒn pʊl ju.

    1. 1. “Don´t let yesterday take up too much of today”. Will Rogers

      2. “If you are working exciting that you really care about, you don´t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you”. Steve Jobs

  18. Good afternoon everyone.

    These are my two phonemically transcribed quotes:

    1.“greɪt maɪndz dɪˈskʌs aɪˈdiəz; ˈævərɪʤ maɪndz dɪˈskʌs ɪˈvɛnts; smɔl maɪndz dɪˈskʌs ˈpipəl.”

    2.“ɪt ɪz hɑrd tu feɪl, bʌt ɪt ɪz wɜrs ˈnɛvər tu hæv traɪd tu səkˈsid.”

    1. hii Deniss i think are

      1- great minds do, asks a days everything do i wants, small minds do asks people.

      2- it is hard to feel, but it is were, never to have tried to ask said.

  19. Good afternoon everyone.

    These are my two phonemically transcribed quotes:

    1-ɛʤəˈkeɪʃən ɪz ðə moʊst ˈpaʊərfəl ˈwɛpən wɪʧ ju kæn juz tu ʧeɪnʤ ðə wɜrld. Nelson Mandela

    2-jʊər bɛst ˈtiʧər ɪz jʊər læst mɪsˈteɪk

    1. hello Jacqueline I think that your quotes are:

      1. education is the most porwerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
      2. your best tear is last mistake.

    2. 2. your best tear is your last mistake.

    3. sorry in the secound is the best teacher

  20. Good Afternoon everyone. :)
    These are my two phonemically transcribed quotes:

    1. “ˈɛvri greɪt driːm bɪˈgɪnz wɪð ə ˈdriːmə. ˈɔːlweɪz rɪˈmɛmbə, juː hæv wɪˈðɪn juː ðə strɛŋθ, ðə ˈpeɪʃəns, ænd ðə ˈpæʃən tuː riːʧ fɔː ðə stɑːz tuː ʧeɪnʤ ðə wɜːld.”
    by -ˈhærɪət Tubman

    2. "ə frɛnd ɪz ˈsʌmwʌn huː gɪvz juː ˈtəʊtl ˈfriːdəm tuː biː jɔːˈsɛlf.”
    -ʤɪm ˈmɒrɪs(ə)n

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Dunia i think that your quotes are:

      1.Every great dream begins with a dreamer always remember you have within you have strenght the patience and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.
      by Harries Tubman.

      2.A friend is someone who gives your total freedom to be yourself.
      by Jim Morrison.

  21. good night everyone
    these are my two phonemically trascribed quotes:

    1.pipəl want tu čenǰ ɛvriθɪŋ ænd æt ðə sem taym want ɪt ɔl tu rəmen ðə sem by pablo koɛlo

    2.tɛrz ar wərdz ðæt nid tu bi rɪtən by pablo koɛlo

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Hello Sheila!

      These are the quotes you transcribed:

      1. " People want to change everything and, at the same time, want it all to remain the same." -Pablo Coelho

      2. "Tears are words that need to be written" -Pablo Coelho

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Hello everyone!

    Here is the phonetic transcription of these two beautiful quotes.
    1. "lʌv dʌz nɑt kleɪm pəzɛʃən, bʌt gɪvz fridəm." -Rabindranath Tagore

    2."nɛvər stɑp lʌvɪŋ jʊər bjutəfəl ərɪʤənælɪti, bɪkɔz ðə wɜrld kæn nɛvər rɛpləkeɪt jʊər bjutəfəl maɪnd" -Jm Storm

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Hello Annie. I think that your quotes are:
    1: Love does not claim perfection, but gives freedom by Rabindranath Tagore
    2: Never stop loving your beautiful originality because the world can nerver replicate your beautiful mind.By Jm Storm.

  27. Hi everyone!
    These are my phonemically transcribed quotes.
    1.ɔl laɪf ɪz ən ɪkˈspɛrəmənt ,ðə mɔr ɪkˈspɛrəmənts ju meɪk, ðəˈbɛtər. By Ralph Waldo Emerson.

    2.noʊ wʌn ʃʊd tiʧ hu ɪz nɑt ɪn lʌv wɪð tiʧɪŋ. by Margaret Sangster.

    1. Hi Any!
      1. "All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better". Waldo Emerson
      2. "No one should teach who is not in love with teaching". Margaret Sangster

  28. Good night, these are my quotes.
    1. "ən aɪ fər ən aɪ wɪl ˈoʊnli meɪk ðə hoʊl wɜrld blaɪnd
    ". Mahatma Gandhi
    "ˈhæpinəs ɪz wɛn wʌt jʊ θɪŋk, wʌt jʊ seɪ,ənd wʌt jʊ dʊ ər ɪn ˈhɑrməni".Mahatma Gandhi

  29. Good night Ms. Rodriguez
    I think that youre quotes are:

    1. "An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind."

    2. "Happiness is when what you think ,what you say, and what you do in harmony."

  30. Good Night
    These are my transcribed quotes

    1.eɪˈpɜːsn huːˈ nevə(r) meɪd eɪ mɪˈsteɪk nevə(r) traɪd ˈeniθɪŋ njuː

    2.laɪf ɪz laɪk ˈraɪdɪŋ ˈbaɪsɪkl. tə kiːp jʊr bæləns ju məst kiːp ˈmuːvɪŋ

    1. 1.  A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.

      2. Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving

  31. These are the quotes that I chose:

    1. "maI hart wIl goʊ on"

    2, "eI wIzərd Iz nɛvər leIt"
    Lord of the Rings

  32. Hi !
    This is my post with the two phonemically transcribed quotes:

    1. riːd lɪtl ənd wɪl bi laɪk meni, riːd eɪ lɒt ənd wɪl bi laɪk fjuː

    2. ɑː(r) laɪf ə(r) dɪˌfaɪnd baɪ ˌɒpəˈtjuːnəti ˈiːvn fə(r) ðəʊz wi luːz

    1. Hi Edgardo

      1. Read little and will be like many, read a lot and will be like few

      2.our life are defined by opportunities even we lose

  33. Hello Mr. Mejia. I think that your quotes are:

    1. Read little and will be like many, read a lot and will be like few.

    2.our life are defined by opportunitie even we lose.

  34. These are my phonemically transcribed quotes.

    1. "Gad teks kɛr əv ɛvriθɪŋ bət hi nidz yɔr hændz."

    2. "Bi brev tek rɪsks nəθɪŋ kæn riples ðə ɪkspɪriəns."

    Paulo Coelho.

    1. hi miss suazo! i think that your second quote is:

      Be brave.Take risks.Nothing can substitute experience.

  35. Hi! those are my quotes:

    1. ˈɛvriˌθɪŋ ju kæn ɪˈmæʤən ɪz riəl.
    Pablo Piccaso
    2.wɛn wɜrdz feɪl,ˈmjuzɪk spiks.

  36. aɪ ˈəʊnli nəʊ ðæt aɪ duː nɒt nəʊ ˈɛnɪθɪŋ
    aɪ θɪŋk ðɛn aɪ ɪgˈzɪst
    orquidia salgado

  37. ɪz ðə mɪzərəbl ̩ aɪrɪʃ ʧaɪldhʊd ॥ ənd wɜːs jet ।

  38. What are the differences between the two casinos? - Dr. Johns
    For a game of poker that 논산 출장마사지 is played on one deck and 광명 출장마사지 in a casino, the dealer makes a guess on which hand to discard. 사천 출장샵 For a game of poker, the 동해 출장샵 bettor 사천 출장안마 must pick the number
