Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology

Hello class!

Welcome to Phonetics and Phonology! We will learn most of the major aspects of the pronunciation system of English. Given our very important role as English teachers, I would say that our biggest goal in this class is to become more knowledgeable about the phonetics and phonology of English..

In this first post, you must comply with the following two exercises:

1. Collect a set of 10 words in which any of the voiced and voiceless sounds listed in the book occurs as the first sound of a word, in the middle of a word (specifically between two vowels), and at the end of a word, as in:

a) [b] bird, rubbing, rub
b) [p] pan, tapping, tap

(Note: The doubled consonants tell us how the vowel before them is to be pronounced; cf. tapping, taping.)

2. Provide an articulator description for three of the following sounds:


Please take into consideration that if questions are not answered accordingly with the instructions and your answers display more than 15 grammar or spelling mistakes, you will not get the total amount of points. 

Take the time to write your answers and double check it before submitting it.

Don't forget that opinions cannot be exactly the same.

Deadline: Sunday, May 27th, at 11:59pm.